Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Numerologi and Timing Luck 2

Numerology Timing & Luck (version 2.2)

  1. RISK is inversely proportional to LUCK When luck goes up, risk comes down When luck comes down, risk goes up In life, we lower our risk by taking advantage of our lucky time.
  2. You cannot play all the time This is what you call random timing. It is equivalent to simulating ten thousand or more spins. The broad result will tend towards the house edge percentage if you have unlimited bankroll. This rule #2 shows that you cannot violate rule #1.
  3. The amount of money bet is irrelevant to time Using a bigger unit bet does not change the outcome of the result. Where or when to place your bet is more important.
  4. Bad is Definitely, Good is Most Likely On a good PY,PM,PD&PH, you may still encounter bad PR,PZ,etc. That's why even during your lucky period, you cannot win everytime. The smaller cycles have greater intensity so bad is Definitely. But you're likely to win more often than during all bad periods.
  5. We are not born equal Look around the people you know..... While we may be given an equal chance on education, voting rights, etc..... not everyone have an equal state of health, wealth & luck.

Also remember: 
1) Luck is related to timing 
2) A man-made system is secondary to Time 
3) So we must respect (or play according to) Time

Timing Formula revisited Part 1: 
The Basics

First the basic numerology numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. Generally we don't express number zero as a single digit because it has no meaning. Zero can mean everything or nothing but we can disregard its value. Numerology addition is as per normal when the end result is in one digit: 
1+2 = 3 
2+4 = 6 
3+5 = 8
However if the end result has two or more digits, you must REDUCE it until it becomes a single digit: 
5+7 = 12 = 1+2 = 3 
9+8 = 17 = 1+7 = 8   
8+2 = 10 = 1+0 = 1
Reducing means that you add the double digits together until the end result is a single digit.
Simple case of addition on double digit numbers
During the addition with any two digit numbers, you must reduce before doing the addition: 23+4 = (2+3)+4 = 5+4 = 9 
30+9 = (3+0)+9 = 3+9 = 12 = 1+2 = 3 
12+58 = (1+2)+(5+8) = 3+13 = 3+(1+3) = 3+4 = 7

I have to point out the importance of "reducing before addition" because unlike in normal maths, you may get a different result in a complex case (see below)
Complex case of addition on double digit numbers
Apart from the 9 basic numbers, there are two additional groups of special double digit numbers: 
1) Master Numbers (MN) 
2) Karmic Debt numbers (KD)

For our discussion there are nine primary Master Numbers (2-dimensional). 
Both their digits have repeated value: 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99.
They are normally written with a slash followed by the corresponding reduction to a single digit number: 11/2, 22/4, 33/6, 44/8, 55/1, etc

No matter what, an MN "cannot" be reduced during addition. It will remain in its double digit figure. For example: 
5+22 = 27 = 2+7 = 9 
11+33 = 44/8 <---- A master number result 
12+32 = (1+2)+(3+2) = 3+5 = 8 <---- A non-MN result

Note the last two answers are different although in normal arithmetic both answers would be similar. Secondary MNs are non-repeated double digit number but can be reduced to a primary MN. For example 29, 38, 47, 56, etc are the secondary MNs of 11/2.
There are only four primary Karmic Debt numbers: 13, 14, 16, 19. 
Again they are written with a slash followed by the corresponding reduction to a single digit number: 13/4, 14/5, 16/7, 19/1
A KD must be reduced to its single digit during addition. However if the final answer is a KD then you should not reduce it any further. Examples: 
14+7 = (1+4)+7 = 5+7 = 12 = (1+2) = 3 
8+14 = 8+(1+4) = 8+5 = 13/4 <---- final answer is a KD 
11+19 = 11+(1+9) = 11+(10) = 11+1 = 12 = 1+2 = 3

There are also few secondary KD numbers such as 49, 58, 59, etc whhich when reduced will become primary KD numbers.

Timing Formula revisited Part 2: 
Good, Bad & Secondary Numbers
For simplicity, we can group the numbers into five types: 
1) Good 
2) Neutral 
3) Bad 
4) Very Bad 
5) Excited 

Natural state Good numbers are 1, 3, 5, 6, 8 
Neutral number is 2 
Bad numbers are 4, 7, 9 
Very bad numbers are ALL the KDs (13/4, 14/5, 16/7, 19/1, etc) 
We will cover Excited numbers in a future lesson.

Secondary MNs
In our discussion, the only secondary MNs which we will encounter are those of the primary 11/2: 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92 These secondary master numbers should always be reduced & displayed as primary 11/2 for simplicity.

Secondary KDs
Look at all these secondary KDs: 49, 58, 59, 67, 68, 76, [77], 79, 85, 86, [88], 94, 95, 97 They all belong to either 13/4, 14/5 or 16/7 & should be written in their primary figures except for 77 & 88.
There is no secondary KD for 19/1.
Interestingly the Complex Master Numbers [77] & [88] are both a primary MN & a secondary KD. They are written this way: 77/14/5 88/16/7
13 being an odd number has no hybrid KD (non-complex) with much restriction. So it cannot evolve into a master number but its MN brother 22 shares the same base (i.e 13/4 & 22/4).

Timing Formula revisited Part 3: 
Personal Timings Time units

Everything has a cycle. There are....... 
- 60 seconds in 1 minute 
- 60 minutes in 1 hour 
- 24 hours in 1 day 
- 28-31 days in 1 month 
- 12 months in 1 year

Time of interest (TOI)
All the above can be represented as numerology time of interest (TOI):
1) Year of interest (YOI) = usually four digits
2) Month of interest (MOI) = up to two digits (1-12)
3) Day of interest (DOI) = up to two digits (1-31)
4) Hour of interest (HOI) = up to two digits (1-24) At midnight, HOI = 24 = 6 (of a new day)
5) Minute of interest (ROI) = up to two digits (1-60) When time is exactly on the hour, ROI = 60
6) Second of interest (ZOI) = up to two digits (1-60) When time is exactly on the minute, ZOI = 60

1) If we selected a time 12:39am & date 14th November 2004.... 
YOI = 2004 = 6 
MOI = 11 = 11/2 (non-reducible) 
DOI = 14 = 5 
HOI = 24 = 6 
ROI = 39 = 12 = 3

2) On 21st October 1960 at time 9:00am 
YOI = 1960 = 16 = 7 
MOI = 10 = 1 
DOI = 21 = 3 
HOI = 9 
ROI = 60 = 6

TOI  are reduced DURING calculation except for any MNs.

Life Path
Life Path (LP) influence period is from the birth to death. Its assigned numerology value is constant throughout one's life & is based on a person's date of birth. Time of birth is not considered in the calculation.
1) For someone born on 31st July 1975.....
LP = 31 + 4 + 1975 = 4 + 4 + 22 = 30 = 3
2) Another person born on 19th Jun 1977.... LP = 19 + 6 + 24 = 1 + 6 + 6 = 13/4 (a KD)
3) My son, Aman, was born on 4th December 2002..... LP = 4 + 12 + 2002 = 4 + 3 + 4 = 11/2 (a MN)

Personal elements
  1. Personal Year (PY) Its influence period is for 1 year during the YOI PY = Day of birth + Month of birth + YOI
  2. Personal Month (PM) Its influence period is for 1 month during the MOI PM = PY + MOI
  3. Personal Day (PD) Its influence period is for 1 day during the DOI PD = PY + MOI + DOI (Note that it is incorrect to assume PD = PM +DOI)
  4. Personal Hour (PH) Its influence period is for 1 hour during the HOI PH = PD + HOI
  5. Personal Minute (PR) Its influence period is for 1 minute during the ROI PR = PD + HOI + ROI (This is not the same as PR = PH + ROI)
  6. Personal Second (PZ) Its influence period is for 1 second during the ZOI PZ = PD + HOI + ROI + ZOI (This is not the same as PZ = PR + ZOI)

All Personal Elements are also reduced DURING calculation except for any MNs.

Timing Formula revisited Part 4: 
Higher Numbers

In most of our calculations so far, the final result is either one digit (base number) or two digits (KD or MN).
So what is 55+55? Ans: 55+55 = 110 = 1+1+0 = 1
We only deal mainly in 2-dimensional Master Numbers such as 11, 22, etc. 
It is very unlikely that you will encounter a 3-D MN (e.g 111,222,333,etc) in our time calculation discussion.

Master Number Reduction Table 'A' 
PY = 11/2 22/4 [33/6] [44/8] [55/1] 
PM = 11/2 [22/4] [33/6] 
PD = 11/2 22/4 [33/6] [44/8] [55/1] 
PH = 11/2 22/4 [33/6] [44/8] 
PR = 11/2 22/4 33/6 44/8 55/1 [66/3] [77/14/5] [88/16/7] [99/9] 
PZ = 11/2 22/4 33/6 44/8 55/1 [66/3] [77/14/5] [88/16/7] [99/9] 
PL = ..... 
PQ = .....

Some of you may still remember a similar table like the above which I posted in GG forum. Well over here I've expanded it to include PZ. We won't be looking at the theoretical mili- & micro-second range (PL &PQ).
How are the figures in the table derived? Quite simple actually. It shows you the highest MN possible on every personal elements. If you refer to the table, 55/1 is the highest MN for any PD. It's possible to reach PD=55/1 when PY=22/4, MOI=11 & DOI=22. (If you get PD=66/3 then you've obviously made a mistake in your calculation!)

What about those MNs in the [parenthesis]? Let's look at the PY........ PY value can be as high as 55/1. However during the next level calculation (i.e PM calculation), you are only allowed use any MN from the PY up to 22/4 (non-parenthesis MN). In other words, if your PY=33/6 or 44/8 or 55/1, you should use PY=6 or 8 or 1 during the PM calculation.

So any MNs in the parenthesis are invalid for the subsequent calculation and should be reduced to its single digit. For example if PY=33/6 & MOI=11 & DOI=20...... We reduce PY to it's single digit number (=6) since its 33/6 is in the parenthesis. PM = 6+11 = 17 = 8 PD = 6+11+2 = 19/1 (a KD)

Actually there is also another school of thought.....and so I will introduce a seperate MNRT:
Master Number Reduction Table 'B' 
PY = 11/2 22/4 [33/6] [44/8] [55/1] 
PM = 11/2 [22/4] [33/6] 
PD = 11/2 22/4 [33/6] [44/8] [55/1] 
PH = 11/2 22/4 [33/6] [44/8] 
PR = 11/2 22/4 33/6 44/8 55/1 [66/3] [77/14/5] <---- more limiting !!! 
PZ = 11/2 22/4 33/6 44/8 55/1 [66/3] [77/14/5] [88/16/7] [99/9] 
PL = ..... 
PQ = .....

The table is virtually the same as the first one except for PR which is more limiting. The changes are due to the modification to these two formulas: PR = PD + HOI + ROI becomes PR = PH + ROI PZ = PD + HOI + ROI + ZOI becomes PZ = PR + ZOI

For our practical discussion, I will focus up to PH as the smallest timing element. So regardless of which reduction table (A or B) you use, the result will still be the same.
This area is opened for further research work by individuals to compare which table gives a more favourable result for smaller scale timings......

Timing Formula revisited Part 5: 
More On Master Numbers

Independent State
A Master Number on its own can either be good, bad or neutral depending on its base number: A Neutral MN is 11/2 (because 2 is neutral) A Good MN are 33/6, 44/8, 55/1, 66/3, 77/5 (because 1,3,5,6&8 are good) A Bad MN are 22/4, 88/7, 99/9 (because 4,7&9 are bad)  

Dependent State
A Master Numbers is also unique in that it can be "excited" many times under a favourable condition. "Excited" MN is as good if not better then another "Good" number. To be excited, there must be another dependent similar base number during that period. For example if the PY=11/2 and PM=2, then the Personal Year is Excited x1. Suppose if you also have PD=2, then the PY is Excited x2 (twice). For simplicity you can assume Excited x1 is equal to one Good number, Excited x2 is equal to two Good numbers, et cetera....

Now those base numbers which have excited a MN will become Neutral regardless of its original quality.
1: Good ---> Neutral (Worse) 
2: Neutral ---> Neutral (No change) 
3: Good ---> Neutral (Worse) 
4: Bad ---> Neutral (Better) 
5: Good ---> Neutral (Worse) 
6: Good ---> Neutral (Worse) 
7: Bad ---> Neutral (Better) 
8: Good ---> Neutral (Worse) 
9: Bad ---> Neutral (Better)

When there are two or more identical MNs, all except one of them can take the role of base numbers to excite that one MN. We will be able to look into this in the next lesson examples.

When there is a Master Number & a Karmic Debt number of the same base, they cancel each other out. Both numbers then become Neutral. In general, always neutralise the MN & KD pairs first before doing anything else.

Complex Master Numbers like 77 & 88 are a special case. Like any MNs, a CMN become excited with any similar base numbers. An excited CMN is written as 77/5 or 88/7. However when there is another KD of similar base number, the CMN becomes its corresponding KD number, i.e. 77/14 or 88/16, which are Very Bad numbers.

Timing Formula revisited Part 6: 
Timing Analysis Examples

You have seen how one excited Master Number can alter other similar base numbers to their Neutral State. Well, Karmic Debt numbers can also change the quality of other similar base numbers to Bad:
1: Good ---> Bad (Worse) 
4: Bad ---> Bad (No change) 
5: Good ---> Bad (Worse) 
7: Bad ---> Bad (Worse)

When there's more than one similar base numbers, the KD will turn ALL those similar base numbers into Bad. This is why a Karmic Debt is a really difficult number. Also when you are faced with a CMN, a KD & a similar base number, the rule to "Neutralise MN & KD first" is no longer applicable because as I said earlier all CMNs are a special case. Instead the proper procedure is to get the CMN to be excited first followed by neutralisation with the KD. This is logical because we have to convert the CMN to a true MN before it can neutralise another KD.

I also forgot to mention in the last lesson that when a MN & a KD neutralise each other, they become "inactive Neutral numbers", meaning that they cannot be used to excite another Master Number or turn into Bad again with another Karmic Debt number. They simply stay neutral independently from other numbers.
Let's see how we can apply what we've learnt so far to do our own timing analysis. With the examples below, you will be able to grasp all the previous concept better....

If we pick a particular hour with these elements: 
PY=1 -----> Good 
PM=2 -----> Neutral 
PD=4 -----> Bad 
PH=6 -----> Good 
So we have 2 good, 1 bad, 1 neutral. Simple enough, right?

PY=3 -----> Good 
PM=5 -----> Good 
PD=6 -----> Good 
PH=8 -----> Good 
4 good elements - a recommended hour to play!

PY=14/5 -----> V 
Bad PM=7 ---------> 
Bad PD=9 ---------> Bad 
PH=22/4 -----> Bad 4 bad elements - avoid gambling during this time!!!

PY=3 --------> Good 
PM=6 -------> Good 
PD=22/4 ---> Bad 
PH=3 --------> Good Not the best period to play...wait till next hour (see below)

PY=3 --------> Good 
PM=6 -------> Good 
PD=22/4 ---> Excited x1 
PH=4 --------> Neutral A bit better- PD excited once, PH originally Bad turns Neutral

PY=33/6 ---> Excited x3 
PM=6 -------> Neutral !! 
PD=6 -------> Neutral !! 
PH=6 -------> Neutral !! 
PY excited thrice, the rest become Neutral

PY=22/4 ---> Neutral !! 
PM=3 -------> Good 
PD=22/4 ---> Excited x1 
PH=5 -------> Good PD excited once by PY

PY=22/4 ---> Neutral !! 
PM=3 -------> Good 
PD=22/4 ---> Excited x2
PH=4 --------> Neutral !! 
PD excited twice by PH & PY

PY=22/4 ---> Bad 
PM=13/4 ---> Neutralised !! 
PD=22/4 ---> Neutralised !! 
PH=11/2 ---> Neutral Neutralised PM & PD cannot excite the PY

PY=22/4 ---> Neutralised 
PM=13/4 ---> Neutralised 
PD=22/4 ---> Excited !! 
PH=4 --------> Neutral !!
PY=5 --------> Bad !! 
PM=14/5 ---> V Bad 
PD=5 --------> Bad !! 
PH=5 --------> Bad !! A very dangerous situation due to that single KD

PY=6 --------> Good 
PM=5 --------> Neutral !! 
PD=6 --------> Good 
PH=2 --------> Neutral 
PR=77/5 ---> Excited x1

PY=16/7 -----> V Bad 
PM=5 ---------> Good 
PD=6 ---------> Good 
PH=4 ---------> Bad 
PR=88/16 ---> V Bad !!

PY=16/7 ----> Neutralised !! 
PM=7 --------> Neutral !! 
PD=6 --------> Good 
PH=4 --------> Bad 
PR=88/7 ---> Neutralised !! 
Special case CMN first excited by PM then neutralised with PY

Timing Formula revisited Part 7: 
Involvement Of Life Path

The influence of Life Path
We come to the part where we integrate a person's LP with the other personal elements.
Look at this scenario.... 
PY = 5 ---> Good 
PM = 5 ---> Good 
PD = 5 ---> Good 
PH = 5 ---> Good 
This seems to be a good period to play, right? Well not to everyone.....

Assume there are three people A, B & C experiencing a similar period like the above but each having a different LPs:

Person LifePath A=3  and B=4  and C=14/5

Person A 
LP = 3 ---> Good 
PY = 5 ---> Good 
PM = 5 ---> Good 
PD = 5 ---> Good 
PH = 5 ---> Good

Person B 
LP = 4 ---> Bad 
PY = 5 ---> Good 
PM = 5 ---> Good 
PD = 5 ---> Good 
PH = 5 ---> Good

Person C 
LP = 14/5 ---> V Bad 
PY = 5 ---> Bad !!! 
PM = 5 ---> Bad !!! 
PD = 5 ---> Bad !!! 
PH = 5 ---> Bad !!!

Obviously A will have more luck than B under the same condition. In fact a person with LP=4 cannot gamble big in life because this LP always put a limit to his gains. However because of the effect of the KD, what should have been a good period becomes a really bad one for C! 
Likewise let's say your LP=1 which is good, right? But when you're faced with any 19/1 element (on PY, PM, PD or PH), it will turn your LP=1 ---> Bad during the period of influence. 

I did not include the LP in the last lesson because it's very sensitive to those who may have a KD in their Life Path. So do you always include your LP in the timing analysis? Definitely. However some people simply cannot accept the fact that they have a "Very Bad" Life Path.
Generally speaking a person with a KD LP will have a more difficult life than those without a KD LP. Numerology may be able to offer the guidance so that the KD person doesn't have to suffer so much through his/her own ignorance. Through time, wisdom will also teach that matured person what to do or avoid in life.....

Apart from the effect of negative LP which can be devastating, there is another area on KD which seems to affect everyone in a big way as well. It has to do with their Personal Year cycles. Find out how many KD PY you have within any nine year period. In some epi-cycles (9 year period) you may also get 1 or 2 MNs. This may vary slightly within one epi-cycle and another.
Example of someone born on July 1st 1972, we'll try to work out the next 9 PYs starting this year:
LP = 1+7+1 = 9 
PY(2004) = 1+7+6 = 14/5 KD!!! 
PY(2005) = 1+7+7 = 6 
PY(2006) = 1+7+8 = 16/7 KD!!! 
PY(2007) = 1+7+9 = 8 
PY(2008) = 1+7+1 = 9 
PY(2009) = 1+7+11 = 19/1 KD!!! 
PY(2010) = 1+7+3 = 11/2 MN ! 
PY(2011) = 1+7+4 = 3 
PY(2012) = 1+7+5 = 13/4 KD!!!

Hence you've identified the epi-cycle starts in 2009, the next one is in 2018. While this person didn't have any KD LP, he has to go through 4 out of 9 years of KD! This can be equally painful when you think about it. 

Once again I've highlighted all these for your own awareness. If you do know of any friends who are uncontrolled, compulsive gamblers, you may want to direct them to this forum, or perhaps help count their own numbers. You can warn them not to play during those cautionary period.

A reminder on using the new updated 24 hour time notation.
The most important update in version 2 of this ebook is the acceptance of the 24 hour notation from the standard AM/PM hourly time format……..
“Seems like a number of people have lost in their afternoon & evening games even though they followed their numerology timing carefully. After much analysis, it was found that this could be attributed to them thinking in 24 hour notation instead of the old AM/PM time base. My teachings has so far focused on the old time notation as this has always been practised in the past.....

Perhaps more & more of our western society & all the developed countries are beginning to use the 24 hr notation as the norm, and as such our numerology formula must be adapted to suit the majority of the users today.

So the modification which I'm suggesting is basically affecting the value for PH (Personal Hour) only. Of course once your PH changes, your PR & PZ will also change at a given time.”

Recall the Personal Hour formula is:
PH = Personal Day + Hour Of Interest
And the new values for the Hour Of Interest are as follows:
1 HRS = 1
2 HRS = 2
3 HRS = 3
4 HRS = 4
5 HRS = 5
6 HRS = 6
7 HRS = 7
8 HRS = 8
9 HRS = 9
10 HRS = 1
11 HRS = 11
12 HRS = 3
13 HRS = 4
14 HRS = 5
15 HRS = 6
16 HRS = 7
17 HRS = 8
18 HRS = 9
19 HRS = 1
20 HRS = 2
21 HRS = 3
22 HRS = 22/4
23 HRS = 5
24 HRS = 6
Just like for ROI & ZOI, we cannot have HOI=0.
So exactly at midnight, HOI = 6 (of a new day).

[Note: Blue italic messages below are Question. and their identity remain to be anonymous]

Master, if you're going to use numerology for roulette is working out the hour of interest enough or do you advise on working out the minute of interest too.

Working out up to the PH is good enough for practical purpose on roulette playing. Your window of opportunity will be on that hourly block. If the next hour is also good, you may continue playing but quit any time when:
a) You've reached your target win (e.g won 60 units) 
b) You're feeling tired or worn out - PHYSICAL factor 
c) You're feeling down or disappointed - EMOTIONAL factor 
d) You're getting bored/confused - MENTAL factor

Part b) is due to extended play. 
Part c) & d) can be due to unexpected losses. 

When you lose awareness on any of the above, you're in trouble! A quick way to recharge your energy is to take a break, breathe lots of fresh air & focus your eyes at a distance.

Since we both know Serena's 14#s it can take a while when qualifying to actually finish our session, so if we where to work out the hour of interest would this be sufficient? Or do we also work out the minutes and not play the system during the bad minutes?

It's almost impossible to use PR on Serena's system because by the time you've placed your bet on all 14 numbers, you will have no idea on which minute the ball will land on the wheel. Stick to playing only during good PD and PH. The risk will still be there, so it's much safer to arrange your playing schedule on a good year & month as well.

Ok the question is that the result is accurate but flawed by our own made up times. What I mean by this is that there's only 57 minutes in a day hence we have a leap year every two years. Numerology does not take this into account.

The thing to note about numerology is that it's referenced to a standard time base (60 sec=1 min, 60 mins=1 hour, etc). It is the vibration of the relevant numbers at any moment in time is what matters most. Why is this important? Because the particular number at that very second / minute / hour / day / month / year will have an influence over everything else.

Everything is affected by this base reference when the numbers or digits are shown on EVERY clock, calendar, organiser, etc. We humans also put in a lot of thoughts into these numbers continously when it comes to planning our schedules, whether we are conscious of it or not.

Basically if you were to write down one number on a piece of paper, you would cause a vibration associated with that number but probably too small to be detected. The magnitude increases if that same digit is repeated many times all over. Now imagine when a similar digit simultaneously appears billions of times on everybody's watches, computers, public clock, stock market display board, etc, the impact is obviously enourmous!

So you see numerology depends on numbers which are repeated more often than others & are also used widely by everyone. Usually this is found in the time & date that we use. If all of us had agree to use 57 mins (instead of 60 mins) it would still work out perfectly for numerology. However for this condition to be met, it requires a complete acceptance that 57 mins equals to one hour to all of us.

Okay let's imagine there's another habitable planet in the universe with a different time system of 120 sec=1 min, 120 min=1 hour, etc. Here the numerology rule is still valid and their population can still apply the same reduction formula.

Recently we have just crossed over to the year 2004. Hence the energy of 2004 is stronger now than before because almost everyone are living their lives on the influence of this year's digits (2-0-0-4). The action that you're doing presently is within 2004, perhaps you feel hungry, so you're going to eat now - during 2004. Then you feel tired, you sleep then wake up - you realised that you're still in 2004!

Our thoughts will be pounding the four digit "2004" many millions of times over the next few weeks. Multiply that by the number of world population and you can appreciate the magnitude of 2004 this year. Also within this month the influence of January (month=1) will also be more significant than any other month numbers......

How about our our timeframe. Say we were travelling across the time border where we would gain an extra hour all of a sudden how does numerology compensate for our calculations.

While moving across different time zones, the best time reference is the UTC or GMT. Ask any airline pilots and they will tell you that on board an aircraft they only refer to the standard Zulu time which is in UTC or GMT.

Depending on the time zone of your country or state, it will either be ahead or behind the GMT by so many hours (or even half hourly). For example Singapore is GMT+8 hours, meaning that it's 8 hours ahead of Greenwich Meridian Time.

For most people at their particular location which is stationary, stick to your local time for the numerology calculation. If you travel to another country & play in their casino, reset your watch to their own local time. If applicable, you must also apply the one hour daylight savings in certain countries during their own summer period.

After working out the whole of my PY, PM and PD for 2004 I have some questions regarding timings.  
My PY(2004) is 5. So when I have a PM of a good number and the PD is bad or even a KD would it be worth finding the best PH for that day to play or should I just avoid playing that day completely. Say for example PM=3 PD=4 then because my PY is good does this cancel out so I can still work out the PH for that day? But if PD was KD then just leave the day completely.
On the other hand if my PM was bad or even a KD which this year consists of 3 KD's PM then should I avoid the whole month or if PD was good then still work out PH.
What about the combinations of MN. Eg. PM=MN but PD=bad or KD.

Based on our own PY, PM, PD & PH, the best times to play (in descending order) are shown below:
1) 4 Good 
2) Excited x3, 3 Neutral 
3) 1 Good, Excited x2, 2 Neutral 
4) 2 Good, Excited x1, 1 Neutral 
5) 3 Good, 1 Neutral 
6) Excited x2, 3 Neutral (or 2 Excited x1, 2 Neutral) 
7) 1 Good, Excited x1, 2 Neutral 
8) 2 Good, 2 Neutral 
9) Excited x1, 3 Neutral 
10) 1 Good, 3 Neutral

Please do not settle for anything less that the above!

If you have a bad (or v bad) PH, you can afford to wait a little while for a better period ahead. If you have a bad (or v bad) PD, you wait another day or two. If you have a bad (or v bad) PM, you just need to wait another month or two. But let's say that now you have a PY=KD & you can't wait till next year. 
Note that: KD 13/4 will turn all 4s as bad KD 14/5 will turn all 5s as bad KD 16/7 will turn all 7s as bad KD 19/1 will turn all 1s as bad

If your PY=13/4, you still have hope to cancel it when your PD=22/4 or PH=22/4 but such opportunity are rather limited on that year. The cancellation effect will leave you with two inert Neutral numbers.

If your PY=14/5, 16/7 or 19/1 then you're out of luck! What if you still want to play? Well make sure that the rest of the three elements are Good. And you only take small risk.

In personal timing, you cannot cancel a Good number with a Bad one. Only a MN & a KD of the same base can cancel each other out, and the result will be the two passive Neutral numbers! These neutralised numbers will have no reaction to other MNs or KDs.

My personal timings for May is PY=5, PM=1 both good but in that month there are 13 occurances of KD + 3 bad numbers so all in all it's not really a good month.

You should look at this period as a blessing because both your PY & PM are good, it's just a matter of looking for Good Day & Good Hour which should be plenty. Yes you still need to avoid those KDs but I would consider yourself as fortunate in May this year!

According above where all these base numbers turn out bad if our year is a KD does this theory apply to PM=KD? Where if PM where 14/5 then all PD's and PH's number 5's also become bad?

The unfortunate answer is YES. That's why I said a KD can be dangerous & you must avoid any high risk activities if possible.

Anyway the question about cheating fate. What if person A had a very bad timing for a certain day. Eg PY=4, PM=7, PD=9 and person B had a very good timing eg. PY=3, PM=6, PD=8 (Assume all timings for each are extremes of bad and good inc PH & PR). Now what if both these two people where playing at the same time as each other on exactly the same numbers then what is expected? Would I be right to assume that both would break even (no-one wins anything or loses anything?)

Team effort would blend both the numerology together. This area is very complex & we would have to look at compatibility issue then. Have you noticed when a group seemed to do much better than the individuals (e.g The Beatles)? Teamwork can make or break depending on their compatibility numbers. I don't think I'm ready to teach you this just yet.

To the cheating numerology what if we knew for that day we're not supposed to play but our friend who also has the same system has good timings for that day and we give our money to that person to play. Can we cheat numerology that way?

Your idea is still a team effort because you're the investor while he executes the plan. As I said it gets more complicated than this. Let's stick to individual playing now because the topic of group playing is beyond our scope. So you cannot use numerology to cheat time & make a fortune for yourself. Even if you've found a way one day, in the laws of karma that will still be considered wrong.

When I read your reply you said 22/4 will become excited (i.e good) when there is another "4". 4's are normally a bad number so if there's 22/4 does that mean this becomes good? Does this apply to if my PM=4 but PD=22/4 then this becomes good too?

Yes the bad 4 becomes neutral when there is another 22/4 somewhere. 
Example 1: PM=4 ------> Neutral PD=22/4 ---> Excited x1
Example 2: PY=22/4 ---> Neutral (acting as a 4 initially) PD=22/4 ---> Excited x1
Example 3: Exp=22/4 ---> Excited x1 PH=4 -------> Neutral

"Exp" is Expression from your name number. This I will cover more when we discuss Name analysis.

I've worked out my family's LP and PY cycles and my son has an LP of 19/1. I'm very worried for him and the way his life goes but if he stayed away from gambling could he still live a comfortable life? My mother has an LP of 14/5 and although she doesn't gamble she has more bad things happen in her life than others.

As someone used to say, "Life's a gamble....". Having a difficult LP is like gambling on a table with a very high house edge (e.g with a triple or quadruple zeros). So it would be more difficult to win with the casino's higher advantage obviously. We can use numerology to help us understand what are the best options to take in life. With it you will have an advantage but again we cannot predict & be accurate 100% in our future. Maybe in the high range of 70-85% is possible. Even with a good LP, nothing in life is ever guaranteed. Everything will come down to probability. All of us have had & will continue to take risk in one form or another.

What's good about this predictive tool is that it's easy for anyone to learn. So eventually you don't have to depend on another "expert" to tell you what to do. If this knowledge can be propagated exponentially through all of us then this world will surely become a better place for us as well as everyone else. This is where my role come in as your primary tutor.

You have to formulate a strategy to living, because you are unique on your own LP, Exp & only you know your personal timings. The day when you can use your own free will & combine the numerology skills to make choices in life then you have accomplished all my teachings. You no longer need me to be your teacher, instead you will teach others.

~ End of Version 2 

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