(Ten god analyses)
子平论命, 以为造化流行天地间, 不过阴阳五行而已; 阴阳五行交相为用,不过生克制化而已.
Zi Ping analysis about life consists of interaction between yin and yang of 5 elements. Favourable elments is called 用 y?ng, unfavourable called 已 yi.
固特设: 比肩, 劫财, 伤官, 正财, 偏财, 正官, 七杀, 正印, 偏印等十神专有名词, 用来形容五行阴阳生克制化及同类的共通现象, 这与其他学问如统计学, 数学, 物理, 化学等用
The ten god are: bi jiān (friend), jie cai (rob wealth), shi shen (eating god), shāng guān (hurting officer), zheng cai (direct wealth), piān cai (indirect wealth), zheng guān (direct officer), pian guan (indirect officer) or qī shā (7-killing),zheng yin (direct resource), piān yin (indirect resource). This is used to represent the five elements yin and yang interaction with Day Master.
代表其涵义, 此涵义也能变化出无穷的问题, 与命理所演化出种种的无穷结果, 道理是一样的, 考其最出设立这些名词的时候, 并不是杜撰乱篇的, 而是本乎阴阳, 察乎人情, 根据反复实验而得来的结果.
The ten gods analysis system is results from analysis done by our fore father.
因 为十神的看法很深奥, 又很复杂, 每一个"神"都同时代表多层涵义, 而且还会受到其他各神的影响而改变其原来的性质, 如果不是对命理学研究的相当彻底的人, 实在不容易熟练地抓住各神的精髓加以正确地判断. 此十神暗示的象征及其在干支中显示之范围, 我们几乎可以这样说:"所谓论命也就等于大部分在论十神的变化. 可见十神在八字中论命的体系中, 占何等重要的地位了.
The ten god system is very deep and complicated and therefore, it is very difficult to grasp the meaning. Each god can represent many meanings and get influence from other god and change form. You need someone with experience in bazi and detailed analysis to be able to capture the actual meaning. The real meaning of destiny reading is actually analysing the changes and influences of ten god. That's why Ten God is the most important system in Bazi.
下面将十神在各方面所具有的一些涵义与特征, 及其象征之变化, 执简使繁简单地归纳整理起来, 以作说明:
Below are the explanations of each ten god characteristics.
(1) 正官
Direct Officer (zh?ng guān )
六亲方面, 代表长官, 上司, 师长; 女命的丈夫, 男命的女儿.
Relationship: represent the commanding officer, the superior, teacher; Woman's Husband, Man's daughter.
正 官为喜用, 长相庄严端正, 头脑聪明, 声音悦耳, 和蔼可亲, 家境不错,行事温和且稳健.官印相生, 能在官场和公职中有所成就, 且幼年温文乖巧, 喜欢读书, 不让父母操心.财官相生, 能在财界享有盛名, 且表示幼年家境不甚丰裕, 需至青年时期家中经济才有突破性好转, 建立其社会地位.正官代表夫星, 正官为喜用, 表示有理想的对象, 且夫唱妇随令人羡慕.身弱遇正官, 表示幼年胆小怕事懦弱难养, 智慧晚开, 而且家庭父母大多劳碌操心, 家境不好.
Zhen Guan favourable: the feature is solemn and good, clever, delightful, pleasant and friendly, good family background, act gently and sane. When Officer & Resources (Guan & Yin) in growth stage, success in office and public, good childhood, like reading, parents do not need to worry about. Wealth & Officer (Chai & Guan) in growth stage, famous on the wealth circle, show that the family circumstances are not very in plenty in childhood, need economy take a more breakthrough, favourable turn to young period, set up its social status. Zhen Guan represent husband star, when in favourable represent good candidate, good interactive between husband and wife make people admirable. If DM is weak, Zhen Guan represent in young age, the person is weak and scare of matters. Families has a lot of stress and uncertainty. Family background not good.
身弱遇正官, 命局又有食伤财, 不见强有力的印星或比劫来保护的话, 克泄交加, 一生为财利奔波操劳, 生活困顿, 到老难以清闲.用神与正官相合, 其人必奸险狡诈, 贪恋官禄无所不用其极, 此格局见之于命者, 与富贵穷通不相涉, 大者卖国, 小者卖友, 此种人小心为上.
When a chart's DM is weak, meets with Influence (Power), Output and Wealth elements, and does not have strong Resource or Companion elements to strengthen the DM, then the DM will experience increased Ke (control by the Power element) and Xie (weakened by the output and wealth elements). The result is that this person will experience a life of "chasing and laboring after wealth but only get roller coaster, ups and downs, life". If there is combination of Useful God (Yong Shen) and Zhen Guan, the person is wicked and crafty and deceitful, resorts to every conceivable means to gain advantage. If this is the pattern, always poor, betray country and friends, be wary of such people.
有多个正官, 表示除了一个丈夫以外, 还有其它男朋友, 所以必须坚定自己,不要三心二意而惹出麻烦.
If chart alot of Zhen Guan, it means besides only has a husband, there are other boyfriends, so must control oneself and do not cause trouble.
官现年干且喜官, 主受祖荫力大, 且易少年得志, 学业颇佳.
If Zhen Guan in Year Pillar and favourable, receive ancestors' protection or blessing and apt to have a successful career in early youth, the study with good result.
官现月柱且喜官, 受父母痛爱, 一生少劳苦, 为人正直尽则, 重信讲义, 也主兄弟姐妹有功名.
If Zhen Guan in Month Pillar and favourable, receive love and care from parents, lack hardship in one's life, Character is honest, siblings have scholarly honor of official rank too.
日座官星, 主聪颖能干, 具谋事应变力, 身旺遇财运大发, 也主配偶多贵.
DM sitting on Officer Star, intelligent and competent, luck for wealth prosperously greatly to take place, help the spouse prosperous too.
时座官星, 主子息贤孝有成, 自己得享晚福.
If Zhen Guan in Hour Pillar, there is the main son's virtuous filial piety, enjoy the good fortune late.
官星不旺, 宜避免公职.官星旺, 适合公职.
Officer star not prosperous, should avoid public office. Officer star prosperous, is suitable for public office.
(2) 偏官
(Pian Guan, Qi Sha- Indirect Officer)
偏官也叫杀, 七杀, 七煞等.六亲方面, 代表女命之偏夫, 男命之儿子.
Pian Guan also known as "sha", Qi Sha (7-killing), in term of relationship, for woman it represent 偏夫 "Pian Fu" (2nd Husband or lover), for man it represent Son.
七杀与正官功用大体相似, 唯须注意的是, 正官乃以合作为手段, 其性较温和; 七杀乃以竞争为手段, 其性较偏激, 霸道无情.
7-killing is similar to Zhen Guan in term of function, the difference is that Zhen Guan is using cooperative mean while 7-killing is more toward competitive mean; more merciless.
如果八字制化恰当, 则煞气可做威权而用, 更可发挥才能, 古今大富贵, 大权威者, 大都有这种格局; 如果制化不得当, 则日主弱, 祸来难料, 日主强, 命途也多怪异.古语说:"若人有偏官, 犹如抱虎眠", 这就意味着偏官格的人敏捷, 权力欲望强, 善弄权术, 独断独行.
If the Bazi is appropriate (favourable), and Sha Qi can be used favorably and usefulness, the person will prosperous throughout the life. Also a person with strong power and status has such formation. If the Bazi is un appropriate (unfavourable), for example, DM weak, unexpected disaster will come. If the DM is strong and the pattern is strange, as old saying: "weak DM that has Pian Guan, just like holding a dormant tiger" This is because person with Pian Guan is fast in action (agile), desire for power, good in political skill and act arbitrarily (impulse).
因此, 世界上于许多大成功者度是偏官格.
Therefore, a lot of successful people has the Pian Guan chart type (ge).
而且,此格之人一想到任何花样时, 就会马上付诸行动, 和同为"官星"的正官那种稳健的作法完全不同.
Also, people with this type of chart, when they think of an idea, they will straight away act on it, which is totally different from zhen guan type of people.
身弱杀强, 行事阴沉偏激, 具叛逆性, 容易走极端, 秉性孤独.身强杀旺带刃, 作事果敢有魄力, 嫉恶如仇而有威严, 能有大发展.
If weak DM and strong Sha, the person will tend to do things to the extreme, rebellious, keep to oneself. If DM strong and Sha is favourable (旺 wang), daring and courageous in performing task, hates the wicked as if they were personal enemies but with dignity, the person has great potential.
命带偏官, 一生大多无法过着平稳生活, 且这种人的职业大都为军人, 政治家, 如果再兼有偏印的话, 便可以当一个学者, 宗教家, 教育家, 医生, 律师,艺术家等.
Person with this type of chart, mostly unable to live steady life, they are mostly army personnel and politician. If there is Pian Yin (Indirect Resources), the person can be in the profession of scholar, religious leader, teacher, doctor, lawyer and artist.
一般来说, 偏官格的人, 主坚强, 有魄力, 富男性美, 能忍辱负重, 负责任,肯努力, 颇符合竞争日益激烈的社会.杀旺比劫弱, 表示兄弟无缘, 甚至有所刑克, 且难得朋友真心相助, 常会遇兄弟或朋友因利害关系而发生冲突.
Mostly people with Pian Guan chart type (ge), with strong DM, has the boldness, attractive, can endure humiliation, responsible, hardworking, quite comfortable in the competitive society. If Sha strong and Jie weak, no affinity with siblings. If there is punishment relationship (Xing 刑克), no true friend will come and help. Because of this, there will be argument or conflict between friends and siblings.
食制杀太过, 个性外刚内怯, 做事患得患失, 狐疑不决, 而无法完全发挥个人力量, 可能成为一个穷学者.官杀混杂, 主婚姻不定.
If there is too many type of Eating Sha (食制杀), the person will appear to be strong but timid inside and always get in trouble, suspicious and indecisive and unable to demonstrate his/her own strength, therefore can become a poor scholar. If the Officers (官杀) is complicated, the person marriage will be complicated.
日支座杀, 官杀混杂, 夫妻易反目, 难得圆满相处.时柱有偏官, 和子女缘分较薄. 不过有食制杀, 子女多半会在文学界, 艺术界, 或军正界发挥所学而获得名望.
Day pillar sitting on Sha and Officer Sha is complicated, there will be quarrel between husband and wife, very difficult to leave happily ever after. If Hour Pillar has Pian Guan, not a very good fate with children (less Yuen). But if there is Eating God, children will most likely in the literary, art or army circles. They will obtain fame and prestige.
年柱偏官, 身弱无制, 表示出生在贫寒家庭.年柱偏官有制, 多出生军人武职世家.
Year pillar has Pian Guan and weak DM and no control, it means grow up in poor family. If Pian Guan in Year pillar is being controlled, will probably born in the army family.
月柱偏官有制, 命贵.
Month pillar has Pian Guan and being controlled, life is good.
日柱偏官, 配偶多半性烈刚毅, 倔强暴躁.
DM Pian Guan, spouse is fierce, stubborn and hot tempered.
时柱偏官为忌神, 子女多半难言孝.
Hour pillar with Pian Guan as unfavorable element, children will not be filial.
时干偏官一位, 日主旺, 有财印, 无冲, 大贵之命, 多为镇守边寨的将领.
If there is only one Pian Guan at hour stem and DM is strong also has Wealth and Resources with no clashes, prosperous life. It is like the general who guard the stockpile - have unlimited resources.
偏官不旺, 仕途不畅.偏官旺, 官荣贵显.
Pian Guan unfavorable, career not smooth, Pian Guan favorable, prosperous, authority and high power.
(3) 正印
(zh?ng y?n - direct resource)
六亲方面, 代表长辈, 贵人, 师长, 男命代表母亲, 女命代表祖父, 女婿.
In term of relationship, represent elderly, nobleman, supervisor, for a male, it represent mother, for a female, it represent grandfather or son-in-law.
正印为用神, 则此人聪明慈慧, 一生少祸害, 如果有官必廉明高节, 名正言顺, 确实掌握实权, 且此人大多心地仁慈, 禀性淡泊.财星重实务, 印星好唯心, 重感情, 用心人, 是故学业高, 滋身聪明, 德才兼备, 嗜好读书, 知识渊博.
If Zheng Yin is Useful God, this person will be bright and intelligent. Life with little misfortune, if has Officer then will be high moral integrity. Justifiable to hold high power. This person will normally benevolence and prefer to life simply. Wealth star means heavily sentiment, resource star attentively to human. Work with integrity, can study up to high level, intelligent, knowledge is profound and prefer to study.
正印多主文书, 文明, 文化, 宗教, 教育,自然,真理心脑, 发明的趋向.
If a lot of Zheng Yin, the person like to study, famous, artistic, religious, teaching, inventor nature comes naturally.
如果印星太旺, 原局食伤或财星太弱, 缺乏食伤泄秀, 乃表示智慧晚开, 领悟力较差, 表示学业不太理想, 个性过于忠厚老实.
If Yin star too strong, also Eating God, Hurting Officer or Wealth Star too weak, lack off discharged by Eating God/Hurting Officer, it means slow development in intelligence, slow in gasping concept, means academic achievement not that good, character too honest and frank.
如果行运走到食神伤官的话,就能把上述的缺点减弱, 学业, 智慧才能够有所长进.
If in Eating God/Hurting Officer luck cycle, then can reduce the above disadvantage, then academic achievement will make improvement.
印强食伤弱, 大多不善营谋交易, 所以最好不要理财或经营投机生意, 最好能从公就职.
Yin strong, Eating God/Hurting Officer weak, not good at doing business, therefore better don?t involve in managing business, better to assume office only or being a salary person.
正印过多, 表示受到母亲过多的照顾, 而变成溺爱, 因此, 其人往往缺乏独立自主精神.
Too many Zheng Yin means overly pampered by mother and become a spoilt brat and overly dependent (lack of independent)
正印过多也表示其人母亲健康不良, 或是某种原因而不得不借用他人之手养大.
Too many Zheng Yin also means health of mother is not good, because of some reason, the person will be brought up by someone else.
如果正印过强, 则其人可能和子女无缘.
If Zheng Yin too strong, don?t have destiny (yuan) with children.
身旺偏正印混杂, 其人有利己主义, 且又有孤独僻, 处理事务要小心.
DM prosperous with Resources star confusing, the person has his own thoughts, live in solitary, be careful when handling matters.
官印透干, 比较容易过着非常幸福的生活, 而且, 也能获得相当高的名誉和声望, 同时, 也很适合当一个领导者, 重望所归.
Officer and Yin penetrate thru Stems, will have prosperous and good life, good fame and reputation, can become a good leader.
正印临长生, 主母亲端正仁慈长寿.
Zheng Yin at Chang Sheng (Growth), means parents benevolent, merciful, kind and longevity.
正印临沐浴, 指本人职业多变化.
Zheng Yin at Bath (m? y?), the person will keep on changing job.
正印临冠带, 出生名门, 能显荣达.
Zheng Yin at Attire (guan d?i), born in reputable family, will able to enjoy luxury.
正印旺于临官, 安泰有贤母.
Zheng Yin prosperous at Coming-of-age (l?n guān), will have virtuous mother.
正印临帝旺, 能出人头地.
Zheng Yin at Prosperity Peak (d? w?ng), stand up among one?s fellow (become famous)
正印临衰地, 主一生较难伸展.
Zheng Yin at Ageing (shuāi), very difficult to expand.
年柱正印且为喜用, 多指生于富贵之家, 读书学业佳.
Year Pillar has Zheng Yin as Useful God, born in rich family, good in study.
月柱正印, 心地善良仁慈, 聪明健康, 一生少病.
Month Pillar Zheng Yin, character kind hearted and benevolent, bright and health, seldom fall sick.
如柱有偏正官, 为福厚之命; 如四柱无偏财, 印不受克, 文章成名; 如月支正印与日支冲, 主母家零落.
If Pillar has Pian and Zheng Guan (Indirect and Direct Officer), has good fortune life; If 4 Pillars don?t have Pian Cai (Indirect Wealth), Yin not being clash (ke), literary work become famous (famous writer); If clash between Month and Day EB, ancestor house withered.
日支正印, 配偶仁慈善良, 聪颖敦厚.
Day Pillar Zheng Yin, spouse refine, honest, since and benevolent.
时柱正印且为喜用, 主子女聪明多贤孝.
Hour Pillar Zheng Yin is favourable, children will be intelligence and filial.
(4) 偏印
(Pian Yin ? Indirect Resources)
六亲方面, 代表女命之母亲, 男命之祖父, 或侵族长辈, 或意外的帮助力量.
In term of relationship, female chart represent mother, male chart represent grandfather or elderly or unexpected helper.
偏印的才能较偏重于计划性, 及独创性或设计方面, 正印生活恬适淡泊, 偏印生性离群孤独.
Pian Yin very good at planning, design and creativity, Zheng Yin natural disposition lead a simple life, Pian Yin natural disposition is lonely and solitary.
凡带偏印之格局者, 其学艺偏精, 纵然其学识不丰, 也能凭其智慧, 领悟力特强, 所学之事, 必能事半功倍.
Those with Pian Yin in the chart, like to learn all the funny skill, better than the teacher, good at grasping, learn thing give up half way.
命带偏印的人, 对事务之敏感度颇高, 故从事调查, 侦讯, 情报等工作较擅长, 因其机智特强, 临机应变令人钦佩.
Person with Pian Yin in the chart, high sensitivity in his work, would like to investigate, good at intelligence type of work, quick witted and resourceful, good at act according to circumstances.
偏印格的人具有独创性的优秀才华, 但常常会过高评价自己, 与别人相处,常常会格格不入, 但如能反省这些缺点, 发挥上天所赋予特殊, 奔放的才能, 也有可能在人生旅途中, 成大功, 立大业.
Pian Yin chart type person have outstanding artistic talent but most of the time will think highly of themselves, therefore very difficult to get along with people, if can overcome such thinking, can benefit from one?s talent and become high achiever.
食神格带偏印, 易遭灾祸, 性格也会变得酷薄无情.
Eating God chart type with Pian Yin, easy to meet up with disaster, then character will become cruel, ruthless and merciless.
日时偏印过多, 需注意晚年时易陷于孤独寂寞.
Day and Hour Pillar Pian Yin too much, will be lonely in the old age.
女命如果偏印较重, 还会与子息无缘, 严重的话, 尚有刑克.
Female chart with heavy Pian Yin, no fate with children, serious matter is those with Punishment.
因为女命以食伤为生殖机能及表示子息, 这种现象, 也要视格局制化情况, 如制化得宜, 不必有此担忧.
This is because in Female chart Eating God and Hurting Officer are output which show the ability to produce offspring, this type of phenomena also depends on the entire chart circumstances, therefore no need to worry too much.
Pian Yin stands for:
一. 喜欢往偏业发展 (如宗教, 玄术, 灵学, 特殊技艺等),也容易获得成就.
1. Would like to develop in unconventional knowledge (religion, black art, spiritual study, special art), easily obtain good results.
二. 常有是非现象, 且口说难辩.
2. Always like to be in confrontation, always like to argue
三. 常有自己不想承担或做的事, 有受逼的现象, 且不得不做, 身不由己.
3. Don?t want to take up responsibility, have the drive to things and not much of an option.
四. 有多事之烦恼, 难以应付.
4. a lot of worry some that hard to deal with.
偏印临长生, 主与生母缘薄.
Pian Yin at Chang Sheng (Growth), the person has no affinity to biological mother.
偏印临沐浴, 主职业多变.
Pian Yin at Bath (m? y?), the person cannot stay with 1 job for long (keep changing job)
偏印临冠带, 或临官, 或帝旺, 主与生母缘薄, 发展副业有所成就.
Pian Yin at Attire (guan d?i) or at Coming-of-age (l?n guān) or at Prosperity Peak (d? w?ng), the person has no affinity to biological mother, will have good achievement in side occupation (side-line or business)
偏印临衰地, 一技在身, 四处奔波, 与父母缘较差.
Pian Yin at Ageing (shuāi), have a lot of skills but will have to endure hardship, not much affinity with parents.
偏印临墓, 多主做事虎头蛇尾, 有始无终.
Pian Yin at Grave (m?), usually the person fine start poor finish (tiger head snake tail), fail to carry it through.
偏印临胎地, 多主与母缘较差.
Pian Yin at Conception (tāi), usually the person has poor affinity with mother.
年柱偏印且为忌神, 主破祖业, 损家名.
If year Pillar has Pian Yin as unfavorable god, the person will waste away ancestor business, give the family a bad name.
月柱偏印, 适合往偏业发展, 如医界, 艺术界, 演艺界, 自由业, 服务业,美容业等.
If month pillar has Pian Yin, suitable to develop in unconventional business, e.g. doctor, artist, performing artist, unrestrained business, consulting line or beautician.
日支偏印为忌神, 主难得佳偶.
If Day pillar has Pian Yin as unfavorable god then marriage will not be blissful.
时柱偏印为忌神, 不利子女, 子女多不听话
If Hour pillar has Pian Yin as unfavorable god then unfavorable to children, many children but not obedient.
5) 比肩
(bi jiān ? Friend)
六亲方面, 代表朋友, 兄弟, 同辈, 女命之姐妹.
In term of relationship, represent friends, brothers, same status, for female chart represent sisters.
Bi Jian stands for:
一. 有助益之家, 明显而容易显现.
1. Helpful assistant, easily manifest oneself.
二. 有个性刚强的征兆,明显而不暗昧.
2. Have strong character, which is very obvious.
三. 有分夺之机, 不能独占.
3. Will seized all opportunity but cannot monopolize.
四. 有争斗之相, 欲制对方.
4. Have fighting spirit towards the opponent.
日主强, 印比过重, 而食伤太轻, 其智慧才华局促在大脑里, 无法顺利发挥出来, 因而沉默寡言, 本位心很强, 自私心较重, 很难和别人妥协.
DM strong, too much resources and too little Eating God/Hurting Officer, wisdom and artistic talent will cram inside the brain, unable to produce, hence keep to oneself, have high standard on oneself, selfish, very difficult to get along with people.
又因食伤弱而无法生财, 当然一生劳碌奔波.
Also Eating God/Hurting Office weak, unable to create wealth, laborious the whole life.
如运用其刚毅不屈的个性, 以及独立自主的决心, 很可能创出一番事业来.
If utilized steadfast and unbending personality and independent, there is possible to be able to achieve good career.
比肩多, 又有印星, 多半目中无人, 很难接受别人的帮助, 所以常会被人认为是一个"任性的人"或"自私的人", 个性很强, 自私心较重, 很难和别人妥协.
Many Bi Jian and have Resource (Yin) star, usually look down on people, very difficult to accept people?s help, usually other will assume this person is willful or selfish, strong character, strong self-centered, very difficult to compromise other people.
又因食伤弱而无法生财, 当然一生劳碌奔波.
Also, Eating God/Hurting Officer weak therefore cannot create wealth, naturally, whole life busy working hard.
如八字中有官杀, 这些不好的因素会有所减轻.
If bazi has Guan (Officer) and Sha (7-killing), this will lighten all the no good factors described above.
身旺日支座比肩, 天干再透劫财, 则主哀怨夫妻, 妻子若非身体孱弱, 时有病痛, 就是本人任性不羁, 私生活不检点, 凡事刚愎自用, 情感不专, 夫妻间时起勃溪, 很难白头偕老.
Self strong and day pillar sitting on Bi Jian and Heavenly stems there is Jia Cai penetrating, the person has sad husband-wife relationship, wife or self frail (health not so good), always sick, lead improper life, most of the time head-strong and opinionated, flirt, husband and wife always fighting, very difficult to grow old together.
身旺比肩多, 四柱无官杀, 则整天游手好闲丝毫没有责任和管制, 则精力过剩必然滋生出事端来, 易伤妻财.
Self prosperous and a lot of Bi Jian,4 pillars no Guan (Officer) and Sha (7-Killing), would like to idle about and no sense of responsibility and with excess energy will create problems, easily hurt wealth and wife.
比肩临旺地, 兄弟姊妹多, 好强好盛, 在上级面前不讨巧, 官遭排挤, 不利婚, 不利父.
Bi Jian at Prosperity Peak, many brothers and sisters, eager to do well in everything, choose the easy way out, dislike Guan, not suitable to marry or become father.
比肩临衰地, 不利兄弟.
Bi Jian at Ageing (shuāi), no affinity to brothers.
年柱比肩, 上有兄姊或养子, 有独立分家倾向, 早年较贫苦.
Year Pillar has Bi Jian, has elder sister or foster son, tendency to divide the ancestor fortune, poor in early childhood.
月柱比肩, 上有兄姊或养子, 有独立倾向, 具掌财理财之特性.
Month Pillar has Bi Jian, has elder sister or foster son, independent, good at financial management.
日支比肩, 克配偶, 婚姻易变, 多晚婚, 如日支比肩逢冲, 配偶不利远行.
Day Pillar has Bi Jian, subdue (ke) spouse, marriage problem, married late, if day pillar Bi Jian meet clash (chong), spouse not suitable to travel.
时柱比肩, 少子息.
Hour Pillar has Bi Jian, few children.
(6) 劫财
(ji? c?i ? Rob Wealth)
六亲方面, 代表男命之姐妹, 女命之兄弟, 并代表朋友, 同辈.
In term of relationship, for male it represents sisters, for female it represents brothers, for both male & female it represent friends or same generation
身旺财衰, 劫财旺盛, 与父及妻子缘薄, 夫妻间每感话不投机, 严重的话有离异再娶现象.
DM prosperous wealth weak, Jie Cai prosperous, less affinity with father and wife, husband and wife no feeling with each other, not much communication, serious case will remarry.
劫财过多, 是本位主义的人, 为人相当冷酷无情, 虽然外貌和蔼可亲, 好象能听从别人意见似的, 其实内心并不如此, 因此是一个双重个性的人. 此人不宜从公职.
Too many Jie Cai, is a selfish person, character cold-hearted, although appearance looks kind and appear to be able to accommodate others however the heart doesn?t act that way, therefore it is a person with dual-character. Not suitable for government service.
如果柱中有正官, 就能逢凶化吉, 把损失变为利益, 而且, 一向被认为嚣张的态度, 也会转为强稳的领导力, 从而造成事业发达.
If pillars have Zhen Guan (Officer), then can avoid the ill-fate, turn bad into good, also, all this while being regards as arrogant manner, can also being utilized as good leadership quality, thus, good career.
身旺劫财旺盛, 个性很强, 自以为是, 不大可能和别人一起创业, 不过如顺着自己的个性而作为技术人员, 从军, 情报间谍或发明等, 就会无形只中培养出热忱, 也将对事务的偏激观点有所改变.
DM prosperous and Jie Cai prosperous, strong character, selfish, cannot start business with other people, if suitable being a technical person, army, spy or inventors, will create warm-hearted self and change the way of working.
命局中有劫财的人, 多半喜欢从事赌博性或投机性的职业, 例如: 股票买卖,喜欢赌博, 房地产买卖等.
If chart has Jie Cai, would like to engage in gambling or investment type of profession, for example, stock broker, like gambling, property agent.
但是, 如果真的当赌徒的话, 就会变得游手好闲, 这一点要注意!
But, if really become a gambler, then will become lazy, have to take note.
劫财旺的人欠诚实, 或有难聚财之缺点, 因此, 劫财旺的人, 要时时自我警惕才行.
People with Jie Cai prosperous will not be honest, difficult to keep money, therefore, people with Jie Cai prosperous, must be vigilance against oneself.
劫财旺盛, 有食伤生财, 会乐意帮助别人或关心他人, 甚得人缘, 但也需注意不要让人误解而滋生出其他事来.
Jie Cai prosperous, have Eating God/Hurting God produce Wealth, will willingly help people or concern about other people, good relationship with people, but not to be misunderstood by other people.
年柱劫财, 上有兄姊或养子, 喜理财, 重义气, 不利婚.
Year pillar with Jie Cai, have elder brother, sister or adopted son, good at managing money, good brotherhood, unfavorable to get married.
月柱劫财, 难聚财, 支出计划多在实际收入之前, 自尊心强, 喜饰外表.
Month pillar has Jie Cai, difficult to keep money, plan expenses ahead of salary, strong self-centered, worry about appearance.
日支劫财, 晚婚, 婚缘差.
Day pillar has Jie Cai, married late, no affinity to get married
时柱劫财, 子女缘薄.
Hour pillar has Jie Cai, no affinity with children.
(7) 食神
(sh? sh?n - Eating God)
六亲方面, 代表晚辈, 学生, 部属; 女命之女儿.
In term of relationship, represent younger generation, students, subordinates; for female chart represent daughters.
4 characteristics of Eating God:
一, 食神有得到财禄的机会, 座享其成.
1. Eating God with the help from Wealth, will enjoy success.
二, 有酒宴口福之庆, 四处逢迎,
2. Enjoy food and entertainment, going around to make connections
三, 有怠惰, 好逸恶劳之情, 不务正业.
3. Lazy, love to enjoy and hate work, no fixed job.
四, 有花钱消费的癖好, 不知节俭.
4. Not thrifty, have the habit of spending money.
身旺带健旺食神, 有福禄, 好饮食, 财厚食丰, 宽宏大量, 一生优游自逸.
Prosperous DM together with prosperous Eating God, good income, enjoy good food, plenty of wealth, no need to worry about food, magnanimous (generous), whole life carefree.
食伤过重, 喜怒哀乐易行于外, 心中有话藏不住, 作事喜欢高谈阔论, 如果经营事业往往或对事物的看法抱持过于乐观的态度而导致失败.
Too many Eating God/Hurting Officer (Output), always in laughter, anger, sorrow, and happiness, cannot keep secrets, like to indulge in empty talk, if being task to manage enterprise (own business), because of optimistic character will cause the business to fail.
Eating God has 3 important functions:
1: give birth to Wealth Star
2: output (discharge) for DM or Bi Jie
3: control Officer (Zheng Guan and 7-Killing)
八字如果身强食神旺, 原局又有印星彼临日主, 其人一定消化系统良好,体格丰厚, 善能讴歌饮食, 是为多才多艺之人, 且为人聪明, 面貌俊秀.
If bazi has DM strong and prosperous Eating God, main chart has resource star next to (or near) DM, the person must have good digestive system, strong built, know how to enjoy good food, gifted in many aspect, bright and intelligence, handsome features.
身弱遇健旺食神, 一生体弱多病, 而且还表示其人爱用小聪明来掩饰内在的空虚.
DM weak meet (e.g. during luck) prosperous Eating God, not healthy ? always sick, it also means that the person like to use his/her petty trick to cover-up his/her shallow knowledge. (i.e. talk big to cover up)
这种人是大愚若智, 爱好出风头好表现而时感技穷了.
This type of people normally low in IQ, would like to show off although lack of skill.
食神格的人大都不够勤奋, 对于任何事缺少发奋心, 不想自己创业, 往往贪恋山水之美而遗忘实际生活.
Eating God chart type person normally not very diligent, not very energetic to do things (cannot follow-thru), not very entrepreneur (don?t like to startup him/herself), don?t want to move out of conform zone and always want to enjoy only.
不过, 这种人有一个好处就是, 一旦座下来就会定住, 不再任意浮动.
However, this type of person has one good point, once this person decided to settle down, it will not float around anymore.
若是食神太多时, 此人就吝啬, 专为自己谋利而不为他人着想.
If there is too many Eating God, the person will be stingy, only think about one?s interest and don?t care about others.
如果印重身强, 全局不见食伤, 财星又弱, 虽见一点食神伤官, 但却远离日主, 中晚年行运一路再遇印, 比劫之乡, 这就是贫困潦倒之命了; 如果原局再见有力的印星抑制或冲克食神, 截断财利之来源, 这是标准的贫命, 严重的话, 还会夭折难养.
If there is a lot of resource and DM strong, chart don?t have Eating God/Hurting Officer (Output), Wealth Star weak, even with a bit of Eating God/Hurting Officer (Output) but far away from DM, mid to old age in resource luck, Bi Jie around, this will be poor and frustrated life; If natal chart has strong Resource Star control or clash with Eating God, cut off wealth resource, this indicate poor life, serious case, die young or difficult to bring up.
日支上有食神, 且为喜用, 时上有偏印, 可能有难产或儿子不保的情况发生,晚年主孤独.
Day Pillar that has Eating God and it is favorable, Hour Pillar has Indirect Resource, means there is possibility of difficulty in giving birth or miscarriage, old age lonely and solitary.
Male chart, both husband and wife always sick.
食神健旺, 遇到财星, 子女贤明, 丈夫能发达.
Eating God become prosperous, meet Wealth Star, bright children, husband become wealthy.
食神健旺, 财官衰, 儿子命贵, 丈夫却不发达.
Eating God become prosperous, Wealth and Officer become weak, son life become expensive (??), husband will not become wealthy.
食神健旺, 日主衰弱, 有早产之忧.
Eating God become prosperous, DM become weak, has the possibility of pre-mature delivery.
食神临旺地且为喜用神, 多为福禄寿全之人.
Eating God at Prosperity Peak and also favorable, become a person with Fu, Lu, Shou (prosperity and longevity)
食神临衰地, 主其人福份少.
Eating God at Ageing (shuāi), the person will less fortune.
年柱食神, 受祖上福荫, 事业可发展, 平安福禄.
Year Pillar with Eating God, career improve with receive help from ancestors, steady income.
月干食神支为官, 发达之人, 宜政界, 公职发展.
Month HS Eating God supporting Officer, wealthy person, suitable to become politician or government officer.
月支座食神, 主身体肥胖和气.
Month EB sitting on Eating God, person fat and gentle.
日支座食神, 配偶肥胖, 温良随和, 衣禄宽足.
Day EB sitting on Eating God, spouse fat, gentle and amiable, sufficient living (always have clothes and incoming).
时柱食神, 晚年享福.
Hour Pillar with Eating God, enjoy old age.
时柱食神与偏印同柱, 主守空房.
Hour Pillar with Eating God and Indirect Resource on the same pillar, lonely.
食神临墓, 早夭.
Eating God in Grave (m?) , die young.
( 伤官
(shāng guān ? Hurting Officer)
六亲方面, 代表晚辈, 学生, 部属; 男命之祖母, 孙女, 女命之儿子.
In term of relationship, represent younger generation, student, subordinates; for male chart represent grandmother or granddaughter, for female chart represent son.
A Metal DM person with Hurting Officer that is Water is bright and intelligent.
木火伤官的人个性明朗, 颇富文彩;
A Wood DM person with Hurting Officer that is Fire is bright and cheerful, good at literary skill.
A Water DM person with Hurting Officer that is Wood is gifted in many ways.
火土伤官的人操守佳, 但不免带有傲气, 自视很高.
A Fire DM person with Hurting Officer that is Earth, good personality but not arrogant, highly intelligence.
伤官伤尽, 为人多才多艺, 志气高, 好胜, 喜欢出风头, 是一为威武不屈,济弱救贫, 具有侠义之风的人.
The person gifted in many ways, high aspiration and ambition, like to win, like to be in the limelight, do not like to be controlled, like to help people, have strong sense of justice.
伤官象一位得宠的骄民, 八字伤官重的人, 如原局不见有力的印星抑制, 大多聪明傲物, 藐视法令, 自视不凡, 稍带虚荣心, 喜欢高谈天下事, 不喜受世俗礼法约束而产生反抗心理, 位居人上则苛刻严厉, 位居人下则目无法令.
Hurting Officer is a most liked person, people with a lot of Hurting Officer in the chart and don?t have strong resource in the natal chart to control, mostly intelligence and proud, no respect of law, consider one?s out of ordinary, arrogant character, like to talk about world affair, don?t like to follow law and have rebellious type of thinking, stern.
如果伤官太重, 无财星转化引出财源, 则终生奔波劳碌, 不得清闲, 虽巧却贫; 如果财星太多, 又会贪得无厌, 永不知足.
If Hurting Office too heavy (strong), don?t have Wealth Star to produce wealth, have to work hard the whole life, no time for leisure, poor; if Wealth Star too much, become greedy and will not be contented.
伤官之人, 如能运行顺境, 则才气纵横洋溢, 令人瞩目钦佩; 如果行逆运,则钻尽法律漏洞, 行险侥幸, 贪赃枉法, 每取不义之财.
Hurting Officer people, if can be adaptable, will be able to reap the talent, will be admire by all; if in bad luck and try to take advantage of law loophole, take bribes, don?t respect law, earn ill-gotten money.
若是八字伤官与七杀俱强, 每加重其叛逆性, 行运遇逆境很可能成为流氓或社会上不良分子.
If bazi Hurting Officer and 7-Killing strong, will increase his sense of rebellious, will increase the possibility of being a gangster or hooligan.
伤官出干清而有力, 不但为科技头脑, 还善于经营, 可为公司之主管.
If Hurting Office strong and penetrating thru HS, has scientific ability, good at management, will become main management of the company.
所以八字伤官很重的子女, 应从小予以好好的疏导教育.
Therefore, those kids with heavy Hurting Office in the chart would require proper guidance from young.
伤官较重为顽皮好动, 在正常课业以外, 尽量再让其学习一项或多项较为特殊的技能, 例如: 工艺, 音乐,绘画, 运动, 科技等, 将伤官本有的习性引导到正规的途径上, 以后才会有很大发展.
Hurting Officer is mischievous, naughty and like to move around, in the school, good at learning multiple special skills such as: craft, music, painting, sports, sciences, lead Hurting Officer characteristics into good use, will become successful.
有伤官的人, 头脑都相当好, 可是有一点却和食神不一样, 就是这种人个性太偏激了, 所以, 在人格上来说不够完满.
Person with Hurting Officer, good mind (brainy), but there is 1 different from Eating God, is that this type of people the character is a bit extreme, therefore lack-off in term of personality .
这种人常会遭人厌, 因此常遭不幸和失败.
Normally detest by people, therefore become a failure.
伤官格的缺点就是博而不精, 泛而不专, 处事常常求功心切, 缺乏持久的耐心, 理想总是不切实际, 好高骛远, 多半喋喋不休, 而且非常直率, 别人不敢说的话, 他敢大胆说出, 所以, 有时候在无意中伤害了他人.
Hurting Officer chat type disadvantage is not meticulous, not focus, eager to get things done, don?t have patient, what he try to achieve is not very practical, overly ambitious, a lot of half baked job (talk only), also too frank, those words that people won?t dare to speak, he will dare to say it, therefore indirectly hurt other people.
或者, 有时候话中带刺, 使别人无法忍受.
Or, words come with hidden hurting meaning, makes others unbearable.
伤官食神为发泄英华之物, 英华泄, 则锋芒露. 如锋芒一露, 则只知有己,不知有人. 结果, 才高招嫉, 谓其, 伤重合作, 食重自尊.
Hurting Officer and Eating God is output, if output discharged, means there is betrayal, if there is really betrayal, only known by oneself, unknown by others. As a result, capability of the person is affected, hurting officer mean cooperation, Eating God mean self esteem.
自尊者, 为内向, 主沉默; 合作者, 为外向, 主发挥.
Self-esteem mean, introvert, silent, the person cooperative with, extrovert, self bring into play.
食主沉默, 只需精一技, 即可自傲; 伤重发挥,所知不多, 不足以应世.
Eating God self silent, only need to refine 1 skill, proud of oneself; Hurting Officer also develop, not much knowledge.
专一技者以其心无外务, 可以深造; 习多技者, 不得不浅.
One who concentrate will not divert from his current skill, can advance in his skill; those who practice a lot will not be shallow.
所以食深而纯, 伤浅而杂.
Therefore, deep Eating God become pure, Hurting Officer simple becomes mixed.
以女子为例, 伤官外向, 择夫多不慎, 重奢侈虚荣, 潮流交际.
Using a lady as example, Hurting Officer extrovert, many selection of husband, lookup to vanity (pride), follow current trend.
食成内向, 静默而高傲, 寡言笑, 对于潮流, 不愿发挥.
Eating God introvert, quiet and arrogance, didn?t talk a lot, don?t follow current trend, unwilling to develop.
伤官, 我生之神, 乃利己之表现; 正官为利他之表现.
Hurting Office, DM gives birth to, only worry about how one?s perform; Zhen Guan (Direct Officer) will control his performance.
利己利他两者本不相容, 故曰:伤官见官, 其祸百端.
Both are incompatible, ancient saying: Hurting Officer meeting Officer, it?s like hundred disaster waiting to happen.
伤官性质为自私的, 利己的, 其目的在求生存,其手段为合作, 因其是我生之神, 故主我发挥, 一己精力致身体渐衰弱.
Hurting Officer nature is selfish, self-regards (think of oneself), main purpose is to survive, cooperative using uncommon way, it is DM gives birth to, hence it is DM output (performance), will weaken self.
食神与伤官同为我生之神, 其性质也为利己目的, 所不同者, 其手段为竞争而非合作.
Both Eating God and Hurting Officer are DM gives birth to, therefore the nature is also self-regards, the only different is, cooperative using uncommon and competition way.
以一己聪明才智, 与人争智识于艺术上, 常有特殊之成就, 不若合作之利用技巧,因人而得死利也.
Person is intelligence and wisdom, with resourcefulness as skill, normally have exceptional success, don?t like to work collaboratively, make others doesn?t gain anything.
故伤官之成就, 虽属多能, 不见清高; 食神之成就, 虽云利己,却未同流合污.
Hurting Officer achievement, many capabilities, doesn?t show-off; Eating God achievement, only think about oneself and associate with evil person.
食神气纯, 伤官气杂.
Eating God Qi pure, Hurting Officer Qi complicated.
如伤官格有印绶制服, 会大大缓和伤官的叛逆精神.
If Hurting Officer chart type has Resource as uniform, can mitigate Hurting Officer rebellious nature.
伤官是秀气发露之处, 带伤官的人俊男美女很多, 尤其是金水伤官和木火伤官格均为俊秀之貌.
Hurting Officer is an output, those have Hurting Officer normally good looking, especially those with DM Metal, Hurting Officer Water or DM Wood, Hurting Officer Fire will have pretty appearance.
若命中有财星时, 更为美貌.
If chart has wealth star, then even more pretty.
所谓身强伤尽胜三奇, 男英俊,外缘奇优; 女艳丽, 令人倾倒.
There is a saying of DM strong Hurting Officer exhausted 3 steps victory, man handsome, appearance outstanding, lady gorgeous, make people trip.
此外伤官过重的人会有任性纵欲的现象, 期望从肉体方面的快感获得空虚心灵的补偿与满足, 而且伤官又是属于"对外方式"的多情性格, 再由于他能生助偏财, 与劫财暗中阴阳克合, 故常有双重感情存在, 而引起家庭纠纷.
Besides person with too much Hurting Officer will become willful and indulge in sensual pleasures, use pleasure on human body as pleasure to compensate the heart emptiness, also Hurting Officer has more outgoing affection character, also it can give birth to Pian Cai (Indirect Wealth), together with Jie Cai (Rob Wealth) secretly in Ying and Yang clash/combine condition, therefore will have dual emotion, hence cause dispute.
伤官过重对女人来说不大好, 因为伤官一方面能克制女人的夫星(正官), 另一方面又由于妻子生理需求旺盛, 而影响丈夫的身体健康.
For female too much Hurting Officer is not that good, because Hurting Officer will restrain woman?s husband star (Zhen Guan ? Direct Officer), the lady want to dominate will impact husband?s health.
伤官临旺地, 克配偶, 易受伤, 不利家人, 易犯官司口舌
Hurting Officer at Prosperity Peak, restrain spouse, easy get hurts, don?t care about family, and easily get involve in lawsuit.
伤官临衰地, 嫉妒心强.
Hurting Officer at Ageing (shuāi), envy feeling.
年柱伤官, 祖业飘零.
Year Pillar Hurting Officer, faded ancestor?s business.
年干支皆伤官, 寿短或富不长, 颜面易伤.
Year HS is Hurting Officer, short and poor life, prestige easily hurt.
月柱伤官, 手足缘薄, 不敬父母.
Month Pillar Hurting Officer, subordinates less, don?t respect parents.
月干支皆伤官, 手足夫妇分离.
Month HS is Hurting Officer, severe ties with subordinates and parents.
日支伤官, 克子, 子宜迟.
Day Pillar Hurting Officer, restrain (ke) son, son slow in development.
日支伤官, 克夫.
Day Pillar Hurting Officer, restrain (ke) husband
时柱伤官, 克子女, 防子女有损伤.
Hour Pillar Hurting Officer, restrain (ke) children, protect children from harm.
(9) 正财
(zh?ng c?i ? Direct Wealth)
六亲方面, 代表男命之妻子, 女命之父亲.
In term of relationship, for male chart represent wife, for female chart represent father.
八字若是比肩, 正财的力量大于劫财, 偏财的人, 经商营谋大多诚信无欺,不善钻营, 做事很有原则, 缺乏灵巧的手腕及"凶狠"的魄力, 不管经商或从公,最好都要安分守己, 尽量不可存有投机取巧, 走捷径, 冒风险的心理与作风, 才能安稳的步上成功之路.
If bazi is Bi Jian, Direct Wealth strength is better than Jie Cai (Rob Wealth), Pian Cai (Indirect Wealth) people, normally they are sincere and honest, not good at curry favour, do things with principle, lack of nimble, lack of fierce, malicious, daring and boldness, no matter doing business or working for people, better to be law abiding, better don?t be opportunistic, take shortcuts, take risk style, then can be successful in the journey.
一个八字中, 最好财星的力量能与日主的力量均衡, 这样的八字赚钱就比较轻松, 也较不贪非份之财.
In 1 bazi, better to have same strength of wealth star and DM, this type of bazi is easy to make money, also won?t go overboard to make money.
Zheng Cai characteristic is:
一, 辛勤耕耘, 努力可以成功.
1, hardworking person, can success by pure hardwork
二, 循正常的途径与方法,可以获取.
2, proper way and means in doing things, able to adapt.
三, 可得之物, 必须努力.
3, distinct from others by working hard
四, 可以预见的成功机会, 不可太急, 水到渠成自然成功.
4, can foresight the opportunity of success, cannot be impatient, when the time comes will become successful.
如果八字中正财藏于墓库的话(辰戌丑未), 主其人用钱很谨慎, 小心, 不会轻易花钱或施舍财务予他人.
If in bazi Zheng Cai is hidden inside grave (Chen, Xu, Chou, Wei), the person will use money carefully, cautious, very unlikely to easily spend money or give donation to others.
财多身弱, 往往会娶个河东妻吼型妻子, 因而妻当家, 怕妻.
Wealth a lot, DM weak, will marry a dominating wife, wife take care of household, afraid of wife.
正偏财混杂, 易引起家庭纠纷, 多外线, 需注意家庭风波.
Zheng Pian Cai complicated, easily give rise to family dispute, a lot of external connection, need to take note of family breakage.
正财七杀强旺, 正印劫财衰, 则正印无力化七杀, 劫财无力抑制正财, 大都表示身上至少会有一处明显的外伤或潜伏多年的痼疾, 一旦行运至正财或七杀之地, 就会发作出来, 很难彻底根治.
Direct Wealth 7-Killing strong or prosperous, Direct Resource Rob Wealth weak, therefore Direct Resource cannot convert 7-killing, Rob Wealth cannot control Direct Wealth, it means one?s body at least will show external injury or hidden many years illness, once the luck cycle is Direct Wealth or 7-Killing, it will show effect, very difficult to cure.
身旺财衰, 大多比较劳身, 肯刻苦耐劳, 凡事以身作则, 用坚韧的耐力去赚取钱财.
DM prosperous wealth weak, normally more laborious, able to take hardship, everything set as example, use firm endurance to earn money.
正财临旺地, 日主强, 大富.
Direct Wealth at Prosperity Peak, DM strong, wealthy.
年柱正财, 日旺, 祖上富有.
Year Pillar Direct Wealth, DM prosperity, ancestor wealthy.
月柱正财, 勤劳节俭, 父母富有, 得双亲荫助.
Month Pillar Direct Wealth, hardworking and thrifty, parents wealthy, receive help from both parents
日座正财, 得妻内助致富.
DM sits on Direct Wealth, wife help to become rich.
时柱正财, 子女富有.
Hour Pillar Direct Wealth, children wealthy.
(10) 偏财
(piān c?i ? Indirect Wealth)
六亲方面, 代表男命之父亲, 女命之婆婆.
In term of relationship, male chart represent father, female chart represent grandmother.
Pian Cai characteristic is:
一, 有意外之财, 不劳而获的象征.
1. got unconventional wealth, windfall.
二, 不遇之机, 竟而能遇.
2. easy got good opportunity
三, 邂逅之艳, 落花有意.
3. Meet someone gorgeous and fall in love
四, 纳妻之福, 一说即合.
4. Easy got married.
偏 财格的人轻财好义, 善于抓住机会以赚钱得财, 并且一生多有机缘巧遇,因此经常获得意外收获, 尤其在金钱或女人方面, 往往有戏剧性的离合得失, 很有交际手腕, 处理事情圆滑而机智, 带偏财的人多半富侠义心, 喜欢帮助别人,照顾别人, 而能博得众人的感谢, 并有轻财的趋势.
People with Pian Cai chart type not so matter about money but strong righteousness, good at capture the opportunity to make money, besides whole life encounter plenty of chances, therefore, normally got accidental windfall, especially in term of money and woman, frequently got dramatic gain and loss, very good at communication, slick and resourcefulness when handling situation, people with Pian Cai normally rich and righteous, like to help others and take care of others, and being grateful by others, tendency to see money as not so important.
此格的人是活动家, 喜欢与人谈笑, 本性慷慨而诈, 善造作, 口齿伶俐, 对物质, 眼光锐利, 有经济手腕是个实业家型.
This chart type person cannot sit still, like to chit chat with others, generous character, artificial, quick-witted, eyes sharp in handling matters, have businessman characteristics.
偏财遇伤官, 为人风流多情.
Pian Cai with Hurting Officer, person flirt
伤官生偏财, 其人具有多方面的雄心与魄力, 浑身充满干劲, 一旦机会到来,很容易发财无数, 若时运不济, 也可能很快身败名裂.
Hurting Officer give birth to Pian Cai, person processes many aspiration and daring, full of drive, when the chance come, easily become wealthy, when in bad luck, might lost of all standing and reputation.
女命偏财透露, 有浪漫不贞之嫌.
If female chart reveal Pian Cai, have romantic and non-faithful mind.
偏财临旺地, 主父子或妻妾和睦, 得父财妻财.
Pian Cai at Prosperity Peak, DM father and son or wife and concubine in good harmony, receive wealth from father and wife.
偏财临衰地, 主不利父或妻.
Pian Cai at Ageing (shuāi), self not favorable to father or wife.
年干偏财年支比劫, 父不利他乡.
Year HS Pian Cai, Year EB Friend/Rob Wealth, father stay far away from home.
Month HS Pian Cai, father take charge of household.
月偏财时比劫, 先富后贫.
Month Pian Cai hour Friend/Rob Wealth, first rich then poor
日支偏财, 妾夺妻权.
Day EB Pian Cai, a lot of concubine and wife take charge
日时偏财, 无刑冲比劫, 主中晚年发达.
Day Hour Pian Cai, without any clash with Friend/Rob Wealth, flourishing during old age.