I have gotten some feedbacks recently from readers on how
comprehensive this guide works. This guide however only covers 14 Main
Stars, and few auxilliary stars and malevolent stars, and transformers
and it is only a general framework on the outlook of the appearances.
There are 100+ other stars that likewise have their own appearances and
should also be taken into considerations to give an overall reading. If
only I have the luxury of time to cover everything here. What I am
trying to put across in this article is the conceptual idea on how the
spouse appearances are determined.
In reading the characteristics of the potential spouse, the 夫妻宫
(Spouse Palace) gives the indication of the personality of the spouse.
迁移宫 (Travel Palace) combined with 夫妻宫 gives indication of the career of
the spouse.The opposite 官禄宫 (Career Palace), the own career palace of
the native will give an indication of the physical appearance of the
spouse. The health condition and size of the spouse can be determined
by 疾危宫 (Sickness Palace; this is the “Friend Palace” of the Spouse
Palace) by using the dynamic charts (periods). 化禄 (Hua Lu) is indication
of fat, 化权 (Hua Quan) is indication of muscular, 化科 (Hua Ke) is
indication of slim and 化忌 (Hua Ji) is indication of skinny. If Hua Lu
meets Hua Ji in the palace, it means that the Spouse is often sickly.
Generally speaking, the 14 Main Stars in the Career Palace have exclusive appearances and its own characteristics. Some of them are already naturally attractive, some of them not. However, if there are conflicts within the court for the Main Star (相克 Mutually clash either in the 宮氣 Element, or with other opposing stars), or presence of 化忌 (Hua Ji), or if there are the four Shas (擎羊, 陀羅, 火星, 鈴星), the outlook of the spouse will tend to be ugly. If there are appearance of other stars like 文昌, 文曲, 红鸾, 天喜, there will be enhancement of the aesthetical aspects on the physical outlook of these stars.
The transformations on Main Star will be indicative of height (although Stars itself also has some height standards); 化禄 (Hua Lu) is indication of tall, 化权 (Hua Quan) is indication of stout, 化科 (Hua Ke) is indication of slim and 化忌 (Hua Ji) is indication of small and skinny. Another indicator of height, size and beauty is on Star Magnitude. 廟旺 stars tend to make native taller and more attractive. 落陷 stars will make the native smaller and less attractive. with the worst characteristic displayed. The general physical characteristic of the 14 Main Stars in the Career Palace are listed below:
- 紫薇 (Zi Wei) in Career palace: Spouse possess excellent features with good facial proportions. Aristocratic air and sense of good esteem.
- 破军 (Po Jun) in Career palace: The spouse will have round face, but with bony protrusions on the face. The eyes will be spirited and intense. There will be a certain ferocity to the face.
- 天梁 (Tian Liang) in Career Palace: The spouse will have listless eyes, ovalish face and tend to have tall, wide body frame. The face is wizened and tend not be attractive and look stand offish and cold.
- 天相 (Tian Xiang) in Career Palace: The spouse will possess soft gentle long plump face, average body size. They tend to have certain charisma and aristocratic air. Into fashionable pursuit. Will be fat easily after marriage.
- 廉贞 (Lian Zhen) in Career Palace: The spouse will have petite face and bony structure. Tend to be attractive but looks suspicious, possessive and edgy. Air of connivance.
- 七杀 (Qi Sha) in Career Palace: The spouse have ferocious intense feature with bony face. Tend to have be attractive with an air of savage beauty.
- 天府 (Tian Fu) in Career Palace: The spouse tend to have gentle, mellow and broad fat face, flat featured and broad body frame.
- 太阴 (Tai Yin) in Career Palace: The spouse will have petite bone structure with fair, clean delicate feature and exude air of decency and classic beauty. However have petty and obsessive compulsive tendencies.
- 太阳 (Tai Yang) in Career Palace: High forehead, bright eyes and thick eyebrow. Tend to have strong masculine features and generally attractive. Have a careless and arrogant demeanour.
- 贪狼 (Tan Lang) in Career Palace: Spouse are known to be extremely charismatic and irresistibly good looking with long ovalish or pointy face. Usually of average to tall height. Strong sex appeal and lascivious looking.
- 武曲 (Wu Qu) in Career Palace: Medium to short sized spouse with air of aristocracy, long rectangular face and good looking. Spirited eyes and sharp features. Financially astute demeanour.
- 巨门 (Ju Men) in Career Palace: Spouse have closely set eyes and relatively wide mouth. Tend to have round features, lack of facial expressions. Tendency to be rational, laidback and argumentative.
- 天同 (Tian Tong) in Career Palace: Weak features and lazy demeanour. Tend to have less sexy and more child-like endearing qualities about the spouse.
- 天机 (Tian Ji) in Career Palace: Intelligent looking with high forehead and spirited eyes. Tendency to have petty and calculative demeanour.
If the Palace have no main stars and yet present with the four Shas (擎羊, 陀羅, 火星, 鈴星), the spouse will look harsh and unattractive. If 擎羊, 陀羅, 火星, 鈴星 are grouped together with the 14 major stars, there is a tendency that the attractive features of the major stars are stripped or reduced. 文昌, 文曲, 红鸾, 天喜, as mentioned earlier on, will add points to the already attractive qualities of the main stars. Aside from the physical outlook, certain star combinations will also take the analysis one step further to unravel the spouse behavior towards the native (barring personality from the Spouse Palace which is another quality) in the expression outlook. This will be much more consequential as it forms the basis of the dynamics of the partnership. The more common dynamics are as below:
Chauvinistic and Domineering Spouse: Presence of 紫薇 or 天府, or both combination in Career Palace.
Attentive and Understanding Spouse: 天同 in Career Palace either in 巳
or 亥. 天梁 in Career Palace in either 巳 or 亥. 廉贞 and 天相 in Career Palace
either in 子 or 午.
Violent and Abusive Spouse: 廉贞 in Career Palace in either 寅 or 申. 破军
in Career palace in either 辰 or 戌. 武曲 and 七杀 in Career Palace in 卯 or 酉.
Negligent and Irresponsible Spouse: 武曲 and 破军 in Career Palace in 巳 or 亥. 天机 and 巨门 in Career Palace either in 卯 or 酉.
Promiscuous and Cheating Spouse: 廉贞 and 贪狼 in Career Palace in 巳 or 亥. 太阳 and 太阴 in Career Palace in 丑 or 未.
Sumber : asabovesobelow108