Purple Emperor Astrologi - Presisi dan Akurasi
besar dunia berbahasa Inggris akrab dengan Feng Shui dan zodiak Cina (
Anda tahu hewan yang mewakili tahun lahir Anda ? ) Namun, Cina kuno
telah mengembangkan sebuah badan yang jauh lebih besar dari pengetahuan
metafisik dari sekedar Feng shui dan zodiak hewan , yang hanya bagian yang saling berhubungan dari yang lebih besar kosmologi Cina. Sistem
yang berbeda dari astrologi dan ramalan berkembang selama berabad-abad ,
seperti Zi Ba ( " Empat Pilar " ) , I Ching dan Zi Wei Dou Shu ( "
Purple Emperor " ) . Pusat untuk astrologi Cina adalah keyakinan bahwa unsur-unsur tanah, logam , air, kayu dan api membentuk dasar alam semesta.
Dengan pemikiran ini blog ini menetapkan untuk de -membingungkan salah satu cabang astrologi disebut Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数) , yang longgar diterjemahkan sebagai " Purple Kaisar " . Sistem ini astrologi didasarkan pada kalender lunar Cina , yang biasanya dimulai dan berakhir sekitar awal Februari setiap tahun . Zi Wei Dou Shu ditemukan sekitar seribu tahun yang lalu oleh seorang pendeta Tao selama dinasti Song . Ini menjadi digunakan secara eksklusif oleh Biro Astronomi selama dinasti Ming dan Qing , dan sebagai hasilnya tidak terkenal di antara sebagian besar Cina . A Zi Wei Dou Shu grafik khas terlihat seperti ini :
Dengan pemikiran ini blog ini menetapkan untuk de -membingungkan salah satu cabang astrologi disebut Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数) , yang longgar diterjemahkan sebagai " Purple Kaisar " . Sistem ini astrologi didasarkan pada kalender lunar Cina , yang biasanya dimulai dan berakhir sekitar awal Februari setiap tahun . Zi Wei Dou Shu ditemukan sekitar seribu tahun yang lalu oleh seorang pendeta Tao selama dinasti Song . Ini menjadi digunakan secara eksklusif oleh Biro Astronomi selama dinasti Ming dan Qing , dan sebagai hasilnya tidak terkenal di antara sebagian besar Cina . A Zi Wei Dou Shu grafik khas terlihat seperti ini :

Zi Wei Dou Shu bagan kelahiran Scott Peterson .
Zi Wei Dou Shu Bagan dari Scott Peterson , yang dihukum karena pembunuhan mengerikan dari istri dan anaknya belum dilahirkan.Zi Wei Dou shu ( dari sekarang disingkat " ZWDS " ) adalah grafik persegi dan terdiri dari 12 kotak total. Setiap kotak disebut sebagai " sektor " atau " istana " dan menggambarkan aspek hidup seseorang . Dua belas sektor adalah: Life, Orangtua , Kebahagiaan , Properti , Karir , Teman , Perjalanan, Kesehatan , Uang , Anak , Perkawinan dan Saudara . Bintang-bintang yang jatuh di sektor ini meliputi 14 utama yang menentukan nasib keseluruhan hidup seseorang , 8 tambahan , 6 berbahaya dan transformasional bintang 4 ( katalis ) yang masing-masing melekat pada bintang utama . Bintang-bintang transformasional dapat membawa keluar yang terbaik atau terburuk dari bintang utama . Bintang lain ada untuk menentukan kemungkinan pernikahan, bayi , profesional dan akademik keberuntungan . ZWDS memiliki total 120 bintang , tetapi di luar ini 32 pengaruh mereka secara signifikan lebih lemah .
12 Sektor
1 . Life: ini adalah sektor yang paling penting dan menggambarkan kepribadian luar atau bagaimana orang melihat Anda awalnya . Hal ini juga memberikan gambaran keseluruhan betapa beruntungnya atau tidak beruntung anda akan dalam waktu hidup .
2 . Orangtua : Sektor ini menggambarkan hubungan Anda dengan orang tua Anda , bos dan setiap orang yang Anda masukkan di atas Anda , seperti figur otoritas .
3 . Kebahagiaan : Sebuah sektor rumit hal ini menggambarkan kondisi mental Anda - apakah Anda senang - go-lucky atau merenung dan tertekan. Hal ini juga menggambarkan kehidupan Anda sebagai orang dewasa . Bintang yang berbeda dapat menunjukkan jalan kasar atau mudah di masa dewasa .
4 . Properti : Sektor Ini memberitahu Anda berapa banyak real estat Anda akan miliki. Pola menguntungkan dari sini juga bisa menunjukkan bakat kewirausahaan . Dalam grafik Donald Trump sektor ini dipenuhi bintang-bintang yang cemerlang dan yang negatif menyebabkan besar atas dan bawah itu kita lihat dengan investasi real estate-nya .
5 . Karir : Para bintang yang muncul di sektor ini dapat memberitahu Anda apa jenis karir Anda paling cocok untuk. Memilih karir yang salah dapat menyebabkan waktu terbuang , kesengsaraan dan perasaan gagal . Memahami sektor ini dapat meyakinkan Anda dari jalur karir halus atau memperingatkan kamu dari jalan kasar depan . Sektor karir juga merupakan karma kekayaan kita bawa dari kehidupan kami sebelumnya dan menggambarkan nasib yang kita alami di masa kecil .
6 . Friends: Menjelaskan bagaimana kita dilihat oleh masyarakat umum dan oleh orang yang tidak kita kenal baik . Sektor ini juga memberitahu Anda seberapa baik Anda bergaul dengan rekan sekerja, bawahan dan orang-orang di bawah Anda , seperti anggota keluarga yang lebih muda . Mereka dengan Qi Sha star di sektor ini bisa menjadi pemilik perusahaan tetapi umumnya menyerahkan sehari- hari menjalankan bisnis untuk orang lain karena karyawan mereka cenderung tidak menyukai mereka dengan vehmence !
7 . Travel : Menunjukkan bagaimana Anda lakukan ketika bepergian jauh dari rumah - apakah Anda terlihat dan menyenangkan maupun melakukan pertemuan apa-apa Anda, tetapi kecelakaan ?
8 . Kesehatan : Bisa menunjukkan apa penyakit Anda kemungkinan besar untuk mengembangkan dan kesehatan Anda secara keseluruhan. Saya memiliki Ji bintang Tian sini, yang menunjukkan kemungkinan mengembangkan stroke atau bekuan darah. Ada riwayat stroke di kedua sisi keluarga saya , yang membuat saya cenderung untuk mengembangkan stroke di kemudian hari . Akibatnya saya mengambil tindakan pencegahan sekarang untuk menghindari kemungkinan stroke , seperti diet rendah sodium dan olahraga teratur . Untungnya saya tahu riwayat kesehatan keluarga saya tapi tidak semua penyakit diwariskan.
9 . Uang : sektor ini menggambarkan jumlah kekayaan cair yang ada di tangan , seperti uang tunai , saham, obligasi dan segala macam kekayaan yang mudah dikonversi menjadi uang tunai. Umumnya menunjukkan gaji atau hanya jumlah uang yang datang kepada Anda .
10 . Anak-anak: Digunakan secara tradisional untuk menentukan jumlah anak yang akan memilikinya juga memberitahu Anda bagaimana beruntung (atau sial ) anak Anda akan . Jika ada terang Tai Yang ( " Matahari " ) bintang di sini terpasang ke Hua Ke ( "The Fame " ) Bintang transformasional mengharapkan anak-anak Anda untuk menerima beberapa pujian dari publik !
11 . Pernikahan : Sektor ini menggambarkan keadaan pernikahan Anda dan apakah pernikahan Anda akan cenderung stabil atau tidak stabil . Ini juga menggambarkan kepribadian pasangan Anda dan tipe orang yang paling menarik bagi Anda .
12 . Saudara: Menunjukkan berapa banyak saudara dan saudari yang Anda miliki, serta hubungan Anda dengan mereka . Anda juga dapat mengukur jumlah teman konkret dan dekat Anda akan memiliki dengan sektor ini . Sebuah bintang yang negatif sini dapat berarti sedang backstabbed oleh seorang teman dekat .
Selain bintang , masing-masing dari 12 sektor juga ditugaskan binatang dari zodiak Cina bersama dengan salah satu dari 5 elemen (api , tanah, logam , air atau kayu ) . Tanpa mengetahui bintang Anda dapat mengetahui banyak tentang seseorang dengan hanya dengan memeriksa hewan dan elemen yang terkait dengan sektor Life. Sebagai contoh, jika sektor kehidupan seseorang adalah bahwa dari Logam Babi Anda dapat mengharapkan mereka untuk menjadi sangat bekerja keras , rajin dan bertekad untuk berhasil dalam hidup . Apakah mereka akan melihat keberhasilan dalam karir mereka , cinta dan uang tergantung pada penempatan bintang .
Ini adalah 12 sektor Zi Wei Dou Shu grafik . Dalam posting berikutnya saya akan menjelaskan besar 14 dan 6 tambahan yang termasuk dalam sektor-sektor dan menentukan jalannya takdir setiap orang .
Purple Emperor Astrology—Precision and Accuracy
Most of the English-speaking world is familiar with Feng Shui and
the Chinese zodiac (do you know the animal that represents your year of
birth?) However, the ancient Chinese had developed a far greater body
of metaphysical knowledge than just Feng shui and zodiac animals, which
are only interrelated parts of a larger Chinese cosmology. Different
systems of astrology and divination evolved over the centuries, such as Ba Zi ("Four Pillars"), the I Ching and Zi Wei Dou Shu
("Purple Emperor"). Central to Chinese astrology is the belief that the
elements of earth, metal, water, wood and fire make up the foundations
of the universe.
With this in mind this blog sets out to de-mystify one of these branches of astrology called Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), which loosely translates as "Purple Emperor". This system of astrology is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, which typically starts and ends around the beginning of February every year. Zi Wei Dou Shu was invented about a thousand years ago by a Taoist priest during the Song dynasty. It became used exclusively by the Bureau of Astronomy during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and as a result is not well-known among most Chinese. A typical Zi Wei Dou Shu chart looks like this:

Zi Wei Dou Shu Chart of Scott Peterson, who was convicted of the grisly murder of his wife and unborn son.
Zi Wei Dou Shu (from now on abbreviated as "ZWDS") charts are square and comprise of 12 squares in total. Each square is referred to as a "sector" or "palace" and describes an aspect of a person's life. The twelve sectors are: Life, Parents, Happiness, Property, Career, Friends, Travel, Health, Money, Children, Marriage and Siblings. The stars that fall in these sectors include 14 major stars that determine the overall destiny of one's life, 8 auxiliary stars, 6 harmful stars and 4 transformational stars (catalysts) that each attach to a major star. These transformational stars can bring out the best or worst of a major star. Other stars exist to determine the likelihood of marriage, babies, professional and academic luck. ZWDS has a total of 120 stars, but beyond these 32 their influence is significantly weaker.
The 12 Sectors
1. Life: This is the most important sector and describes your outward personality or how people perceive you initially. It also gives an overall picture of how lucky or unlucky you will be in this life time.
2. Parents: This sector describes your relationship with your parents, bosses and any people that you put above you, such as authority figures.
3. Happiness: A complicated sector this describes your mental state--whether you're happy-go-lucky or brooding and depressed. It also describes your life as an adult. Different stars could indicate a rough or easy road in adulthood.
4. Property: This sector tells you how much real estate you will own. An auspicious pattern of stars here can also indicate entrepreneurial talent. In Donald Trump's chart this sector is filled with brilliant stars and a few negative ones causing the big up's and down's that we see with his real estate investments.
5. Career: The stars that appear in this sector can tell you what type of career you are most suited for. Choosing the wrong career can cause wasted time, misery and a sense of failure. Understanding this sector can assure you of a smooth career path or warn you of a rough road ahead. The career sector also represents the karmic wealth we carry from our previous life and describes the fortunes that we experience in childhood.
6. Friends: Describes how we are perceived by the general public and by people that we don't know well. This sector also tells you how well you get along with co-workers, subordinates and those below you, such as younger family members. Those with the Qi Sha star in this sector can be company owners but generally hand the day-to-day running of the business to others since their employees tend to dislike them with vehmence!
7. Travel: Indicates how you perform when traveling away from home--are you noticeable and likeable or do your encounter nothing but mishaps?
8. Health: Can show you what illnesses you are most likely to develop and your overall health. I have a Tian Ji star here, which indicates a likelihood of developing a stroke or blood clot. There is a history of strokes on both sides of my family, which makes me predisposed to developing a stroke later in life. As a result I take preventive measures now to avoid the possibility of strokes, such as a low sodium diet and regular exercise. Luckily I know my family's health history but not all diseases are inherited.
9. Money: This sector describes the amount of liquid wealth that you have on hand, such as cash, stocks, bonds and any sort of wealth that is easily converted to cash. Generally indicates your salary or simply the amount of money that comes to you.
10. Children: Used traditionally to determine the number of offspring one will have it also tells you how lucky (or unlucky) your children will be. If there is bright Tai Yang ("the Sun") star here attached to a Hua Ke ("Fame") transformational star expect your children to receive some public acclaim!
11. Marriage: This sector describes the state of your marriage and whether your marriage is likely to be stable or unstable. It also describes the personality of your spouse and the type of person that is most attractive to you.
12. Siblings: Indicates how many brothers and sisters you have, as well as your relationship with them. You can also gauge the number of real and close friends you will have with this sector. A negative star here can mean being backstabbed by a close friend.
In addition to stars, each of the 12 sectors is also assigned an animal of the Chinese zodiac along with one of the 5 elements (fire, earth, metal, water or wood). Without knowing the stars you can find out a lot about a person by just by checking the animal and element associated with the Life sector. For example, if someone's life sector is that of the Metal Pig you can expect them to be very hard-working, industrious and determined to succeed in life. Whether they will see success in their career, love and money depends on the placement of the stars.
These are the 12 sectors of the Zi Wei Dou Shu chart. In my next post I'll describe the 14 major stars and 6 auxiliary stars that fall within these sectors and determine the course of each person's destiny.
With this in mind this blog sets out to de-mystify one of these branches of astrology called Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), which loosely translates as "Purple Emperor". This system of astrology is based on the Chinese lunar calendar, which typically starts and ends around the beginning of February every year. Zi Wei Dou Shu was invented about a thousand years ago by a Taoist priest during the Song dynasty. It became used exclusively by the Bureau of Astronomy during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and as a result is not well-known among most Chinese. A typical Zi Wei Dou Shu chart looks like this:

Zi Wei Dou Shu Chart of Scott Peterson, who was convicted of the grisly murder of his wife and unborn son.
Zi Wei Dou Shu (from now on abbreviated as "ZWDS") charts are square and comprise of 12 squares in total. Each square is referred to as a "sector" or "palace" and describes an aspect of a person's life. The twelve sectors are: Life, Parents, Happiness, Property, Career, Friends, Travel, Health, Money, Children, Marriage and Siblings. The stars that fall in these sectors include 14 major stars that determine the overall destiny of one's life, 8 auxiliary stars, 6 harmful stars and 4 transformational stars (catalysts) that each attach to a major star. These transformational stars can bring out the best or worst of a major star. Other stars exist to determine the likelihood of marriage, babies, professional and academic luck. ZWDS has a total of 120 stars, but beyond these 32 their influence is significantly weaker.
The 12 Sectors
1. Life: This is the most important sector and describes your outward personality or how people perceive you initially. It also gives an overall picture of how lucky or unlucky you will be in this life time.
2. Parents: This sector describes your relationship with your parents, bosses and any people that you put above you, such as authority figures.
3. Happiness: A complicated sector this describes your mental state--whether you're happy-go-lucky or brooding and depressed. It also describes your life as an adult. Different stars could indicate a rough or easy road in adulthood.
4. Property: This sector tells you how much real estate you will own. An auspicious pattern of stars here can also indicate entrepreneurial talent. In Donald Trump's chart this sector is filled with brilliant stars and a few negative ones causing the big up's and down's that we see with his real estate investments.
5. Career: The stars that appear in this sector can tell you what type of career you are most suited for. Choosing the wrong career can cause wasted time, misery and a sense of failure. Understanding this sector can assure you of a smooth career path or warn you of a rough road ahead. The career sector also represents the karmic wealth we carry from our previous life and describes the fortunes that we experience in childhood.
6. Friends: Describes how we are perceived by the general public and by people that we don't know well. This sector also tells you how well you get along with co-workers, subordinates and those below you, such as younger family members. Those with the Qi Sha star in this sector can be company owners but generally hand the day-to-day running of the business to others since their employees tend to dislike them with vehmence!
7. Travel: Indicates how you perform when traveling away from home--are you noticeable and likeable or do your encounter nothing but mishaps?
8. Health: Can show you what illnesses you are most likely to develop and your overall health. I have a Tian Ji star here, which indicates a likelihood of developing a stroke or blood clot. There is a history of strokes on both sides of my family, which makes me predisposed to developing a stroke later in life. As a result I take preventive measures now to avoid the possibility of strokes, such as a low sodium diet and regular exercise. Luckily I know my family's health history but not all diseases are inherited.
9. Money: This sector describes the amount of liquid wealth that you have on hand, such as cash, stocks, bonds and any sort of wealth that is easily converted to cash. Generally indicates your salary or simply the amount of money that comes to you.
10. Children: Used traditionally to determine the number of offspring one will have it also tells you how lucky (or unlucky) your children will be. If there is bright Tai Yang ("the Sun") star here attached to a Hua Ke ("Fame") transformational star expect your children to receive some public acclaim!
11. Marriage: This sector describes the state of your marriage and whether your marriage is likely to be stable or unstable. It also describes the personality of your spouse and the type of person that is most attractive to you.
12. Siblings: Indicates how many brothers and sisters you have, as well as your relationship with them. You can also gauge the number of real and close friends you will have with this sector. A negative star here can mean being backstabbed by a close friend.
In addition to stars, each of the 12 sectors is also assigned an animal of the Chinese zodiac along with one of the 5 elements (fire, earth, metal, water or wood). Without knowing the stars you can find out a lot about a person by just by checking the animal and element associated with the Life sector. For example, if someone's life sector is that of the Metal Pig you can expect them to be very hard-working, industrious and determined to succeed in life. Whether they will see success in their career, love and money depends on the placement of the stars.
These are the 12 sectors of the Zi Wei Dou Shu chart. In my next post I'll describe the 14 major stars and 6 auxiliary stars that fall within these sectors and determine the course of each person's destiny.
Hi there! This article couldn't be written much better!
ReplyDeleteLooking at this article reminds me of my previous roommate!
He continually kept preaching about this. I'll forward this article to him.
Pretty sure he'll have a good read. Thanks for sharing!